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    Showing posts with label MBF-Lifestyle East Coast Nova Scotia. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label MBF-Lifestyle East Coast Nova Scotia. Show all posts

    Friday, September 17, 2021

    Saturday, April 14, 2018

    MBF-Lifestyle East Coast Nova Scotia

    MBF-Lifestyle East Coast Nova Scotia... see what the news and trends are all about on the new platform.

    Self Representing French Acadian NFT Creator Artist now discovering; if you own it you can tokenize it.
    New Sale and Marketing Platforms allow them to do that with the
    Minting of Dapp Coin via Intellectual Property
    Allowing the artist to create their own Provenance … something that has never been accessed by artists ever in history.
    All in the form of the Smart Contract format ERC 725 and the newer are easier to code ERC 1155.

    Inspired by Wetiko and the seeing of Indigenous Truths in socio-cultural trends

    Monday, February 26, 2018

    Nova Scotia NFT Digital Artist

    Standard mainstream travel articles talk of after a late arrival via Westjet at about 11:30 last night at the Halifax Airport, I picked up my rental car at the Thrifty Counter from a very friendly customer service representative on duty who inquired whether he was going to be mentioned in my Nova Scotia travel experiences - so here you go, this is a little shout-out to the friendly young man working the late shift at Thrifty's who gave me my first welcome in Nova Scotia. 

    I then checked into the nearby Hilton Garden Inn for a brief, but hopefully effective night of rest. French Acadian Culture Nova Scotia Virtual Gallery walkthrough tour 1st floor...


    Virtual walkthrough tour 2nd floor. NFT designs.


     Mainstream paints a picture of ....

    Early this morning I got into my rental car and on my way to my first destination: the Grand Pré National RSS Feed which commemorates the lifestyle and expulsion of the Acadians, original French settlers that came to this area in the 1600s. I first drove south from the airport to locate Highway 101 and after several unsuccessful attempts to find the right exit I finally linked up with the big highway that connects Halifax with Nova Scotia's western shore. The shift in French Acadian Cultural norms beyond mainstream Halifax French Acadian Culture.

    Inspired Indigenous First Nations Wetiko News Read trend to watch 

    Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Symbolist painter Claude Edwin Theriault. Video depiction of the making of Romulus Remus & Loupa painting. Inspired by Zero point 2012 esoteric mindset. Online Artworks beyond traditional Acadian folk music, Acadian traditions, and all that good straight mainstream stuff... not better just beyond the mainstream. This is what post-2012 zero-point culture is all about these days. French Acadian Culture Nova Scotia.

    Moving to Blockchain sites like


     Marginalized by geographic and economic factors, the Acadian regions remained culturally isolated until the middle of the 20th century. Music and folklore were the only widespread forms of artistic expression until the advent of higher education and access to the wider world. 

    The 1950s and 1960s saw a virtual explosion of Acadian culture in handicrafts, painting, song, dance, theatre, cinema, and literature. 

    Folklore Until the end of the 19th century, Acadians lived in isolated groups, with little contact with the exterior.

    This allowed them to preserve the traditions of their ancestors, their speech (derived mainly from the Poitou region of France), their cuisine, celebrations, and oral traditions: songs, stories, and legends passed from generation to generation since their arrival in the 17th century.... to where they are now. Living a new changing world feudal order of Clicks and Clans. The shift in French Acadian Cultural norms beyond mainstream Halifax French Acadian Culture.Club.

    Read my worldwide press release RSS Feed and weep.

    Having this new trending tech asset class march right along is all good and inevitable, however, we are the guardians of our path as much as we are the Champions of the World in this new world order, which is such a VR/AR copy of the real one, it is difficult to distinguish between the two of them.

    Part of the charm and mystic to neural perceptron 5G networks, we are connecting to.

    Tuesday, December 5, 2017

    Nova Scotia Artist Gallery Claude Edwin Theriault

    Nova Scotia artist world wide web press release RSS Feed.

    Inspired by Shamanic Shape shifting and the duality of parallel Tonal and Nagual

    realities that run alongside our lives .These sentient beings represented by Totemic Symbolist images,

    throughout my 40 years of work. Beneath the surface of the canvas there is always

    another story unfolding to both serve and protect us.

    Start with quadrants like the good the true and the beautiful.

    Aiming at the ultimate satori like consciousness.

    The Archaic stage from Apes to Humans

    View trending NFT Avatar Genies accessories @ opensea

    Your emotional signals have an intelligence, listen to them.

    Remember the common denominator in our PTSD or depressive issues is that we are not enough…

    it really is the one of root cause.

    My Digital Designs can help you feel like you …are enough… say it …

    I am enough meaning worthy of an uncompromised life…. it is the

    Amazon Care Panacea of the ID.

    AQAL All Quadrants All Levels All Lines All States All Types.

    Influencing how you think and feel.

    Giving us a Kosmic address instead of Cosmic Address.

    Self Representing Nova Scotia French Acadian artist, active in the newly emerging NFT artwork/Design market.
    Since it is the greatest unlock of artist opportunity in 100+ years.

    It’s evolving at a meteoric rate with records broken almost daily. It is not a passing fad; it is the new world paradigm replacing Brick and Mortar galley owners.

    Eliminating the middle man or Patron, impacting creative artists, investors, and consumers on a global Renaissance level

    Since our walls are now screens with new digital designs coded into
    the form of the Smart Contract format ERC 725 and the newer easier to code ERC 1155.
    New Sale and Marketing Platforms allow artists of all styles to do that with the Minting of Dapp Coin via Intellectual Property.

    Allowing the artist to create their own Provenance … something that has never been accessed by artists ever in history.

    Allowing the artist to create their own Provenance … something that has never been accessed by artists ever in history.

    MBF-Lifestyle East Coast is very active in the current evolving NFT brand Logo Design hungry Metaverse sphere; many artists lack the technical knowledge necessary for creating NFTs; however, tech-savvy developers are making it easier and easier to get started.

    There are now WYSIWYG editors, just like Blogger and WordPress had in Web2.0.
    Now with ERC-1155 Smart contracts all, there is to do is type in the title, description, image, and your metamask wallet and you're done, even gas-free minting removes the barrier, with the ETH gas or costs to deploy to a blockchain paid “after” the sale.

    Something the Insular Bell media owned and operated saltire Haligonia centric Art Gallery of Nova Scotia cannot offer.

    now on blockchain @

    NFT trends to watch in the Atlantic Canada art scene.

    Heaving in the new day

    Latest artwork in progress from French Acadian Painter Claude Edwin Theriault..... @

    Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq culture Inspired......

    Sunday, May 14, 2017

    French Acadian NFT Artist ™

    View  Platinum winners in the Hermes creative Design Awards

    The Shamanic Journeying-inspired artwork surface is where you tend to look at when you first gaze at the work; however, there is more to it than meets the eye: since there is another story/narrative going on behind the surface.
    Where I make stronger use of archetypes as universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious.

    It's a visual diary I keep about how I feel about things, in visual form instead of words/text.

    Every image is many months of long digestion, of an idea that goes to drawing then mostly painting format. A form of Coin mining of Intellectual property., on the Ethereum Blockchain via smart contracts.
    My way of Surrendering the ego and all the connections to the ego; since it represents the conscious mind while the personal unconscious contains a wealth of memories I can tap into like all other artist types Memories like totemic which I like a lot and have always had near me; all of which can serve as a great source for a topic in the visual narrative I use.

    French Acadian Artist...

    in French Acadian Culture

    for the most part tend to use historic events as the principal source of inspiration, Symbolist painter 
    Claude Edwin Theriault does not. He divides his time between rural Nova Scotia and downtown Toronto which serves as a cultural diversity that inspires his artwork on a more esoteric zero point 2012 level. Click to view the pdf doc. on my Artist Gallery press release.

    French Acadian Artist... 

    The academic powers that be are not necessarily pleased since his artistic vision, and the use of the winged male nude as the reoccurring icon prop to express his Mythology:is so beyond the mainstream cultural norm of French Acadian Art Culture as well as the Maritime culture of Nova Scotia Art Gallery mindset.

    Patrimonial Cultures are somewhat in need of a reboot to a new Matrix mindset that shows our lives and culture in a non Historic 200 or 300 years ago style.

    image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host

     However time and the time quake merge we are experiencing makes for the collective consciousness to be more attuned to the artistic expression of Claude Edwin Theriault using Web 2.0 Social media to share his artwork on a global 5G enabled level.

    NFT artwork design experience


    French Acadian Artist in French Acadian Culture

    Riveting Virtual Gallery walk through tour 1st floor...


    Virtual walk through tour 2nd floor..


     Friend and long time artistic companion Miz Etta Leblanc is the same non traditional French Acadian Artist, Channeling various esoteric mindsets into here Artistically expressive Clay Mask. They currently rank on the 1st page of search engine results for Videos since they are so relevant.

     Extensively photographed and ranking on all Social Media platforms like the photo slide show on her FaceBook profile. These two are powerhouse artists to watch, come visit use Check out the World Wide Web Press Release on Art Gallery of Nova Scotia painter Claude Edwin Theriault and discover the View count on this
    News Buzz.... and stay tuned to the latest on French Acadian Artist in French Acadian Culture.

    Click the Link highlighted to view my 20 Video Playlist. on the topic of Digital art trends

    And yes the collective unconscious is a unique component since it is the part of the psyche reservoir that can serve an artist with a form of psychological inheritance, shared by the collective psyche of humankind..... deep but true
    In the trending Nova Scotia Artist Gallery of French Acadian painter Claude Edwin Theriault, an extensive collection of artworks from 1980-present.

    I use mostly Male Nudes they are my standard animal totem Icon visual prop I use it a lot in my visual narrative, however, a large part has re-occurring Allies like Owl, Cheetah, Sea-Horse,Raven, to the snake in the Hylas and Hades underworld artworks found here online. In all the mediums of, Oil paintings, silkscreens, etchings, lithographs, drawings.All illustrating a Shamanic narrative in a visual language as opposed to the written.Something the new Digerati Intellect can appreciate.

    Originally inspired by the ...first nations artwork style you see in Abeam of Cape Blomidon's Sleeping Haida Moon/ to the current Shamanic symbolist style ...

    Now available on multiple Print on Demand (POD) platforms in a multitude of formats, and more which makes buying Tokenized artwork or gift ideas with style limitless.

    Beyond what you find in the insular cliques and clan scene in the Halifax area, with their default "We are not accepting submissions at this point in time" Clique and Clan circuit..

    Claude Edwin Theriault is to Visual Arts Nova Scotia VANS what Ashley Dwayne MacIsaac is to the Cape Breton Fiddlers Association.... he really is. Owner of one of the most interesting "Private Owned Art Collection" in Nova Scotia: if not all of Atlantic Canada. working its way onto Blockchain hosted .io URL sites.

    You just do not know it yet...