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    Showing posts with label AGNS Yarmouth. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label AGNS Yarmouth. Show all posts

    Saturday, April 14, 2018

    MBF-Lifestyle East Coast Nova Scotia

    MBF-Lifestyle East Coast Nova Scotia... see what the news and trends are all about on the new platform.

    Self Representing French Acadian NFT Creator Artist now discovering; if you own it you can tokenize it.
    New Sale and Marketing Platforms allow them to do that with the
    Minting of Dapp Coin via Intellectual Property
    Allowing the artist to create their own Provenance … something that has never been accessed by artists ever in history.
    All in the form of the Smart Contract format ERC 725 and the newer are easier to code ERC 1155.

    Inspired by Wetiko and the seeing of Indigenous Truths in socio-cultural trends