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    Sunday, March 6, 2022

    Men's Body Hair Colouring Services

    Men's Body Hair Color Services

     Body Hair Colour for Men...  Also place a touch of the mix onto the goatee, beard, and eyebrows. Since it will give continuity to the good grooming ensemble going on below. Sounds wild but it is pennies per application.

    Done once a month and white chest hair is no longer an issue making one feel older than need be.

    It takes years off it really does.... It is not hazardous to your health.


     It can however become just a little bit messy so be careful & do this on a day where you are not rushed and have lots of time.

    Mix up the colour, then apply the mix, central axis outward. The amount of time to leave it on the hair is 12-15 minutes, you will see how the colour cream you mix becomes really dark as its oxidative process develops, don't become alarmed.

    As fun as it is to work with on the head, Men's Body Hair Colour is even more so on the Men's Spa menu.

    Same rule of work with focus; and serves as an excellent complement to Men's Body Hair Grooming. 

    Mix up a bit more colour, use a bigger brush, do this naked on a day when you have time.

    Start applying the central axis of the chest, work down to include the male bulge enhancing Pubic bush, and outward toward where it tappers off, dilute the brush with water at the edges, watch how it turns darker as it oxidizes, leave for 20-25min rinse in the shower.

    However it all washes off in the shower, there is a bit of staining onto the skin, however, a fine skin scrub product mixed with your shower gel will remove it.

    Give it a try and leave some feedback as to how you make out with this cool no one will ever know the grooming trick... 

    Devoted Health and Beauty therapist Claude Edwin Theriault  will continue to  offer practical advice as to which is the best solution for you, using the MBF-Lifestyle platforms to keep you in the loop... with the return to Toronto  2020

    Since the area is a Liberal, progressive forward-thinking and uninhibited Urban area perfect for my Men's Body Hair Grooming services.

    Asking for which is the best Men's Body Hair Removal Place to Go Guy or the Cost of Men's Body Waxing services?

    From 1997-to 2018 I did really good clean professional quality service without the pretentious Spa Attitude, at my 10 Huntley Street Studio.

    Male Beauty Forum is still the place to get this, with my full-service Men's Body Hair Grooming via, a return in 2020

    Since the  Liberal forward-thinking.... the demographics of the men in that area make it a perfect fit for my relocation to the Puerto Vallarta Mexico area.

    My name is Claude Edwin Theriault and was established in Toronto from 1997-to 2018, offering an easy cost-effective means for men to get their body grooming done ....Since Men's body hair removal needs are more extensive than Women's who just need waxing. 

    And with the influx of new Waxing Bars on the scene, they simply do not have true Manscaping, with just waxing on their menu. According to the feedback I am getting from my new clients...

    Men's Spa Facial Services 

    So read on and see how Male Beauty Forum can bring transformational value into your body hair grooming routine.

    Just the Men's Body Hair waxing, clipping and a Men's Body Hair Spa Studio in the east end of Toronto.

    The demographics are there the Hotel Spa owners simply need to see the potential of my not found just anywhere all in one combo services. Since it requires Liberal forward thinking to see the potential...

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