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It is why Nova Scotia French Acadian visual artist Claude Edwin Theriault of MBF-Lifestyle east coast Design experience is jockeying for NFT Creator Access with his Coinbase Account.
Self Representing French Acadian NFT Creator Artist now discovering; if you own it you can tokenize it. New Sale and Marketing Platforms allow them to do that with the Minting of Dapp Coin via Intellectual Property Allowing the artist to create their own Provenance … something that has never been accessed by artists ever in history. All in the form of the Smart Contract format ERC 725 and the newer are easier to code ERC 1155.
The academic powers that be are not necessarily pleased with the shamanic first nations inspired artistic vision, Nova Scotia French Acadian artist Claude Edwin Theriault. With is the use of the winged male nude as the reoccurring icon prop to express his Mythology.
Making for an artist very beyond the Bureaucratic....meaning relating to the business of running an organization, or government=Clics and Clans operating in"well-established bureaucratic procedures" all part of the mainstream cultural norm of French Acadian Art Culture as well as the Maritime culture of Nova Scotia Art Gallery mindset.
However, these Patrimonial Cultures are somewhat in need of a reboot to a new Matrix mindset that shows our lives and culture in a non Historic 200 or 300 years ago style. Via the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia painter Claude Edwin Theriault.
Self Representing Artist now discovering; if you own it you can tokenize it. New Sale and Marketing Platforms allow them to do that with the Minting of Dapp Coin via Intellectual Property Allowing the artist to create their own Provenance … something that has never been accessed by artists ever in history. All in the form of the Smart Contract format ERC 725 and the newer are easier to code ERC 1155.
A symbolist-inspired painting called Aligning of the Heavenly bodies, esoteric post zero point 2012 zero-point artwork. Using Web 2.0 social media as a self-representing artist, since private and public gallery directors are simply not there for you these days, too caught up in the new Annie Leibovitz darlin' thing.... Go to ( FAQ ) to see the reasons wall art matters most in Interior Design, how to mix art styles, how to decorate with art prints, how to decorate with art, interior design artwork ideas, and answer your FAQs....
Hence artwork like below
Virtual Gallery walkthrough tour 1st floor...
French Acadian Culture Nova Scotia
Yet The spirit of l’Acadie runs deep in Nova Scotia, and may God bless and keep them since they are real and cool people. As one of the province’s founding cultures, there are reminders of the intrepid French settlers who first claimed Nova Scotia as their home in the seventeenth century. It is always a pleasure to explore Acadian history through historical sites, culture and language, genealogy, music, food, and crafts.
Some of Canada's First Acadian Settlements
On the south shore, the Fort Point Museum in LaHave commemorates the May 8, 1604 arrival of Samuel de Champlain's ship Le Don de Dieu in the New World. Champlain was instrumental in LaHave being chosen by King Louis XIII to be the site of the 'First Capital of New France'.
In 1632, Isaac de Razilly, French General and Viceroy, landed at Fort Point on the beautiful LaHave and carried out the command of his king.
French Acadian Artist Miz Etta Leblanc
At Port-Royal, Acadian history is reconstructed at the French Habitation, providing a glimpse into life as part of the first European settlement in Canada.
See Acadian-built dykes as you journey to Grand-Pré National Historic Site, once home to the largest Acadian community on the Bay of Fundy and immortalized in Longfellow’s poem Evangeline: It is know in the tourist brouchure as A Tale of Acadie.... and everyone loves that stuff
Shift in French Acadian Cultural norms beyond mainstream
French Acadian Culture.Club
French Acadian Culture Nova Scotia
Shift in French Acadian Cultural norms beyond mainstream
French Acadian Culture.Club
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Blockchain Digital Art Gallery.