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    Monday, February 26, 2018

    Nova Scotia NFT Digital Artist

    Standard mainstream travel articles talk of after a late arrival via Westjet at about 11:30 last night at the Halifax Airport, I picked up my rental car at the Thrifty Counter from a very friendly customer service representative on duty who inquired whether he was going to be mentioned in my Nova Scotia travel experiences - so here you go, this is a little shout-out to the friendly young man working the late shift at Thrifty's who gave me my first welcome in Nova Scotia. 

    I then checked into the nearby Hilton Garden Inn for a brief, but hopefully effective night of rest. French Acadian Culture Nova Scotia Virtual Gallery walkthrough tour 1st floor...


    Virtual walkthrough tour 2nd floor. NFT designs.


     Mainstream paints a picture of ....

    Early this morning I got into my rental car and on my way to my first destination: the Grand PrĂ© National RSS Feed which commemorates the lifestyle and expulsion of the Acadians, original French settlers that came to this area in the 1600s. I first drove south from the airport to locate Highway 101 and after several unsuccessful attempts to find the right exit I finally linked up with the big highway that connects Halifax with Nova Scotia's western shore. The shift in French Acadian Cultural norms beyond mainstream Halifax French Acadian Culture.

    Inspired Indigenous First Nations Wetiko News Read trend to watch 

    Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Symbolist painter Claude Edwin Theriault. Video depiction of the making of Romulus Remus & Loupa painting. Inspired by Zero point 2012 esoteric mindset. Online Artworks beyond traditional Acadian folk music, Acadian traditions, and all that good straight mainstream stuff... not better just beyond the mainstream. This is what post-2012 zero-point culture is all about these days. French Acadian Culture Nova Scotia.

    Moving to Blockchain sites like


     Marginalized by geographic and economic factors, the Acadian regions remained culturally isolated until the middle of the 20th century. Music and folklore were the only widespread forms of artistic expression until the advent of higher education and access to the wider world. 

    The 1950s and 1960s saw a virtual explosion of Acadian culture in handicrafts, painting, song, dance, theatre, cinema, and literature. 

    Folklore Until the end of the 19th century, Acadians lived in isolated groups, with little contact with the exterior.

    This allowed them to preserve the traditions of their ancestors, their speech (derived mainly from the Poitou region of France), their cuisine, celebrations, and oral traditions: songs, stories, and legends passed from generation to generation since their arrival in the 17th century.... to where they are now. Living a new changing world feudal order of Clicks and Clans. The shift in French Acadian Cultural norms beyond mainstream Halifax French Acadian Culture.Club.

    Read my worldwide press release RSS Feed and weep.

    Having this new trending tech asset class march right along is all good and inevitable, however, we are the guardians of our path as much as we are the Champions of the World in this new world order, which is such a VR/AR copy of the real one, it is difficult to distinguish between the two of them.

    Part of the charm and mystic to neural perceptron 5G networks, we are connecting to.

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