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    Sunday, March 6, 2022

    Men's Body Hair Colouring Services

    Men's Body Hair Color Services

     Body Hair Colour for Men...  Also place a touch of the mix onto the goatee, beard, and eyebrows. Since it will give continuity to the good grooming ensemble going on below. Sounds wild but it is pennies per application.

    Done once a month and white chest hair is no longer an issue making one feel older than need be.

    It takes years off it really does.... It is not hazardous to your health.


     It can however become just a little bit messy so be careful & do this on a day where you are not rushed and have lots of time.

    Mix up the colour, then apply the mix, central axis outward. The amount of time to leave it on the hair is 12-15 minutes, you will see how the colour cream you mix becomes really dark as its oxidative process develops, don't become alarmed.

    As fun as it is to work with on the head, Men's Body Hair Colour is even more so on the Men's Spa menu.

    Same rule of work with focus; and serves as an excellent complement to Men's Body Hair Grooming. 

    Mix up a bit more colour, use a bigger brush, do this naked on a day when you have time.

    Start applying the central axis of the chest, work down to include the male bulge enhancing Pubic bush, and outward toward where it tappers off, dilute the brush with water at the edges, watch how it turns darker as it oxidizes, leave for 20-25min rinse in the shower.

    However it all washes off in the shower, there is a bit of staining onto the skin, however, a fine skin scrub product mixed with your shower gel will remove it.

    Give it a try and leave some feedback as to how you make out with this cool no one will ever know the grooming trick... 

    Devoted Health and Beauty therapist Claude Edwin Theriault  will continue to  offer practical advice as to which is the best solution for you, using the MBF-Lifestyle platforms to keep you in the loop... with the return to Toronto  2020

    Since the area is a Liberal, progressive forward-thinking and uninhibited Urban area perfect for my Men's Body Hair Grooming services.

    Asking for which is the best Men's Body Hair Removal Place to Go Guy or the Cost of Men's Body Waxing services?

    From 1997-to 2018 I did really good clean professional quality service without the pretentious Spa Attitude, at my 10 Huntley Street Studio.

    Male Beauty Forum is still the place to get this, with my full-service Men's Body Hair Grooming via, a return in 2020

    Since the  Liberal forward-thinking.... the demographics of the men in that area make it a perfect fit for my relocation to the Puerto Vallarta Mexico area.

    My name is Claude Edwin Theriault and was established in Toronto from 1997-to 2018, offering an easy cost-effective means for men to get their body grooming done ....Since Men's body hair removal needs are more extensive than Women's who just need waxing. 

    And with the influx of new Waxing Bars on the scene, they simply do not have true Manscaping, with just waxing on their menu. According to the feedback I am getting from my new clients...

    Men's Spa Facial Services 

    So read on and see how Male Beauty Forum can bring transformational value into your body hair grooming routine.

    Just the Men's Body Hair waxing, clipping and a Men's Body Hair Spa Studio in the east end of Toronto.

    The demographics are there the Hotel Spa owners simply need to see the potential of my not found just anywhere all in one combo services. Since it requires Liberal forward thinking to see the potential...

    Hot Cold Stone Massage Services

     Hot Cold StoneMassage Services

    Click the link and have a look at the News on... 



     By using geo-thermal-therapy the Hot Basalt & Cold Marble Stones I produce a vascular gymnastics of flushing blood in and out the tissue ... and the client on the table experiences a very soothing therapeutic sports massage modality effect of deep tissue massage without the rip & gouge..... is a sink into a very deep and profound sense of relaxation.

    Where the Shamanic side to the stones are kicked in since they are high energy stones and are powerful allies to have for personal path workings and for healing or just plain of the day unwind, without the flaky "Woo Woo " side.

    However, the truth is  Hot and Cold stones can connect you the client with earth energies that stay with you for days. Since

    they are powerful in grounding and energies.

    Basalt Stones with their high Iron content hold and retain the heat the best and the longest of all stones, and Quarried Marble hold and retain the Cold the best and longest.

    It is in my professional opinion the top experience to both give and receive, due to it being go relaxing and grounding.

    For the client, the "lights truly go out" on this one, and with the placing of the stones on various areas bodywork continues on an area while I work on another(i.e. the spinal layout, where a row of hot and cold stones are laid out in a vertical line covered with a pillowcase and then laid upon)

    by the client. While I work the front side of the body.

    Finishing with Chakra alignment with tuning forks that leave you feeling centered and very grounded, while those around you are not grounded at all.... in times of multiple distractions

    Hot Cold Stone Massage,LaStone Therapy To learn more on my other technique, click to view my Swedish massage therapy explained

    The original Hot Cold Stone Massage, La Stone Therapy is a great Holistic energy Bodywork. Ideal to add to one's Man Health after Exercise/Human Longevity routine. It is the original and best of all the complementary health Hot Stone wannabes going around the Spa circuit these days.

    Hot Cold Stones massage with Claude Edwin Theriault releases deep tissue; Induces a state of deep relaxation that, you do not find just anywhere ...

    Created by Mary Nelson in Tuscon Arizona 1993 it is based on traditional Zen Philosophies and Native American Rituals. Courses are located worldwide for licensed massage therapists to part take.

    I myself did my training in Toronto in 2001 and then traveled to Wisconsin in 2002 to take more advanced training.

    In the Spring of 2013, I opened my satellite's Spa in the town of Shediac near Moncton N.B., on the French Acadian Shore of Le Beau Basin. To test if the local Moncton scene was up for it, I met great local clients. 

    X-Body EMS training services

    X-Body EMS training services 

    XBODYFitnessCanada is only for the truly innovative fitness types who really want to up their game.

    MBF-Lifestyle is currently looking into getting an Actiwave Device if my client's interest is strong enough to merit and justify the purchase.

    Although a workout will feel very odd at first, due to the EMS making muscles contract without you moving them at first. However, just get into it and work it out with a deep workout sweat in just 20 minutes of low-impact high-intensity EMS exercises.

    Even though you will be left with sore muscles for a couple of days afterward, you will love the workout for its efficient intense results.

    It is highly recommended for those who are pressed for time, have injuries that prevent more traditional exercise, or are just those looking for something innovative and unique to shake up their fitness regime. 

    The XBody Newave/Actiwave devices are leading the field in whole-body EMS in terms of innovation, functionality, education, and information capture and provision.

    As well as a futuristic Apple-style design, with touch screen features and unrivaled tracking information via the XBody online system, the device has won numerous design awards including the 2014 FIBO award for its stylish appearance and usability.

    The hard work, research, and development team of XBody has achieved the ISO 13485:201293/42 EEC Compliance, and EN ISO 9001:2015 certificates; and has also implemented an internal Quality Management System to provide confidence that the devices and related services fulfill requirements for the highest quality.

    It is where you want to be in your personal training and development since it is beyond what is out there in the mainstream realm of "Personal Training offered at the local Gym. Not that local trainers are not good... they are. It is just that X-Body is the fast track method.

    XBody Newave or Actiwave device benefits include a recommended 20-minute workout session twice a week. it's that simple


     This is equivalent to 6 hours of conventional training upward of 2,500 calories burnt from each session weight – low impact machine still allows someone to exercise with many injuries.

    No limitation with age (18+), range of motion, weight or size...

    Typical improvements are for 20%+ strength, 50%+ endurance increases over 8 weeks....

    Xbody world can take you there... let me know if you are interested in being part of it... and share it to your social network from the tabs below...

    Go have a look at and see just what this bad boy can do for you...

    Human Chakras tuning services

     Chakra Tuning Services

    In brief, the;1st Root: located at base of the spine/Pubis is Foundation and Grounding,

    2nd Sacral: Lower Back/below Navel is Emotion Sexuality,

    3rd Solar Plexus: Mid-Back below Sternum is Personal Power, Autonomy, Metabolism,

    4th Heart: Mid Chest Shoulder Blades is love and Integrity,

    5th Throat: Uppermost Chest and Upper Back is Communication and Creativity,

    6th Brow: Between Eyebrows and Back of head allows for seeing physically and intuitively,

    7th Crown: Topmost part of the Head relates to consciousness or the universal e-mail as I like to call it.

    spiritual and alternative medicine

    Since it gives awareness and with awareness one is not so attached to thoughts  and the forms that go with thoughts, but more aware and present which is the best beauty tip there is out there in the media world of "Image"

    Click to read more Chakras Vital Life Force Articles /Here for the More Western Quantum reading

    Swedish Massage Services

     Swedish Massage Services

    Swedish massage therapy has been perfect after Workout chaser for the average run-of-the-mill Athlete type, since the dawn of time.     What you can expect is 5 major techniques of effleurage, friction, petrissage, tapotement with vibration, and shaking done by skilled registered and licensed hands, trained in an alternative medical systems school.

    It increases the flow of oxygenated blood to tight muscle tissues and in so doing releases toxins from tissue and organs. It was developed in the 1700s by Pehr Henrik Ling,a Doctor who used his knowledge of physiology and massage beauty techniques from the Far East and then adapted it to the European Consciousness. It became the 1st form of Full Body Massage to become prominent in the West and remains a great relaxing Cocktail that stays with you for a nice while.


     It is best done on a nude massage client; draped with a towel or sheet, since the sensorial aspect of it is there, and wrestling with underwear can get in the way of smooth flowing effleurage strokes that are part of Toronto Spas info on this great Massage Therapy Technique.

    It was my first Certification back in 1992 at Therpsycorps Montreal.

    My multi-interest keep me in other alternative therapies involving men's health, body grooming, and financial lifestyle management directions, I still get enough massage clients to keep me active in what remains my original mind-body intervention since it is quite the experience with the Chakra tuning forks I also include in the service.

    In 2013 I spent the last 10 days of the months of May-August offering my services Near Moncton...Read Blogpost  Men's Spa in Shediac Moncton N.B. area, and learn how that went. On the French Acadian Shore of New Brunswick, since the local scene was ready for it: with competition being Nonexistent.

    I am planning to relocate to the Zona Romantica  area of Puerto Vallarta Mexico; since it is a progressive thinking place with a great quality of life.... to the area, as soon as travel restrictions 

    Mens Body Hair removal services Puerto Vallarta

    Male Beauty Forum Hair Removal Services

     Providing simple no-nonsense solutions in the Men's Health Beauty Spa Treatments niche so that it makes sense. 

    In a Clean Private  Man space where the Intimacy of your person is maintained and respected  at all times

    Male body Hair Removal Services are the most popular in the form of waxing, clipping shaving combinations.


     Unlike mainstream salons which talk about Manscaping but do not have it quite down like the experience and service menu solution for your Manscaping needs#Malebeautyforum Claude Edwin Theriault and his acquired skills and experience in the Men's Body Hair Removal  Spa Industry: in Toronto as well as Montreal. Still continue to make the continued effort in my pursuit of value building education so as to Increase the Value of the Goods and Services I deliver… again something you do not see in the Canadian/World Spa Industry… you simply just don’t. Every day I write the book … I explain in my Confessions of a Men’s Health & Beauty Therapist Book on Amazon. It’s turning into an Industry Disrupting Hoot in the Completely Insular  Spa world Niche.

    Los misterios del amor son del alma, pero un cuerpo es el libro en que se leen

    Meaning The Mysteries of Love are of the soul, but the body is the book in which they are read.

    Serving Clients what they need by having them explain to me what they want in professional Manscaping.

    Something no other site is doing in its setup, so read on and read thoroughly, since I have spent years setting up this info into a working system to carry it through to completion.

    By doing creative briefs that serve as a toolbox that enables me to identify men in the like-minded Human Optimization Experience group/audience and create the message that builds the trust that ends up selling to them the best…. Something mainstream simply does not do since they simply do not know-how.
    Hence the reason I am experiencing growth in business is due to the  Transformational value of simple connection provided to clients, it is really all simple.

    State what you do and how to get it “plain and simple” so loyal clients will adopt you as their Go-To Guy source for their needs.

    Opt-Into my Instagram be kept in the Lifestyle Info News Feed of what I am up to in the Internet sphere.

    In the GTA area Men are interested in a wide spa menu of Body Hair Removal And the Emotional Well Being, it brings!

    With easy to grasp Health & Beauty info; in our ever-aging lives and the Men's Spa Fitness body image we like to keep,

    I am now still very much a part of an intense continuing education training to come up with the skills needed to make a difference.

    How we operate
    I work in a most concise professional yet relaxed manner. Building good rapport with clients, establishing their needs, then meeting their needs. Since I believe one's decision in choosing a Beauty Therapist is both a personal and intimate one.

    I know that contacting a Beauty Therapist for the first time is a Historic moment in a man's life and one wants a no-nonsense contact source you can be comfortable with.

    So I encourage you to not be shy, leave your name and a brief message and I will answer your email.

    FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions) I get asked the most often examples below:

    What is the cost of Body Hair removal services, how much does men's body waxing hurt, how long does it take to do a body hair removal session in your studio, how painful is body hair removal, do you do butt waxing, where is your body hair removal studio located, how many laser sessions do I need, does body waxing make the hair weaker.... and many more.

    No question is left unanswered, so type in your question and get informed today........

    Men's Body Hair Clip and Shave Services

     Body Hair Clip and Shave Services

    Are you a Man with excess Hirsutism.... meaning Body Hair that Bugs You? And waxing is just ...too painful...  there is a solution.

    Via the men's full Body Hair Clipping and Shave, or Manscaping as Media puts it.

    Service is not found just anywhere since the Industry does not realize the potential the service has.

    I do an excellent full or Partial body clipping service for men who simply have so much body hair that waxing is not an option. 

    Few if any offer that service, since it is messy... with body hair that has to be vacuumed off the floor; on a daily level.


     However I don't mind and clients who buy the service love it, since it is quick and easy, with very transformational results in a few minutes, and it lasts a reasonably long time. 

    Do you want to how the cost for quality Men's Body Hair Grooming or which is the best fit for your needs...then contact me so I can help?

    For Men who want the “Male Celebrity Look” quick; it is an instant Men's Grooming fix without the mild to a moderate stinging sensation of the Manzilian waxing, to remove unwanted excess body hair.

    It is as old as Egypt where waxing as well as Body Shaving was reserved for the noblest of male nudes.

    The new Beauty Bars talk of manscaping, however with just waxing on their menu they do not serve the needs of men who want.

    Clipping, Shaving, and some even color to take years off by removing all that white chest and pubic bush hair.

    Hence the reason why it was popular for the reason that it feels great after it's done. So you can look great naked.

    With my period and setup in Toronto from 1997-2018... with a return in 2020.

    I created a full menu to serve these hair grooming needs in a clear and professional manner, from my studio on Huntley Street.

    If waxing is of interest read my Mens' body waxing services article still the best source for plain truth on how different it is. 

    From the Standard mainstream emerging franchised Tim Horton Spa circuit.

    Men's Health and Beauty therapist Claude Edwin Theriault will continue to offer practical advice as to which is the best solution for you, using the MBF-Lifestyle platforms to keep you in the loop.

    Body Hair Clip and Shave ... see how it works, well it works well and has done so 1997-2018 , while other "Spas du Jour" has come and gone. The Male Beauty Forum endured and continued; due to serving the customer needs in a clear, concise, relaxed yet professional nonsexual manner.

    Which is all Guys basically want.

    Men's Body Hair Clip and Shave can be done easily at home. A good cordless rechargeable Clipper, as well as inexpensive razor blades, can be bought at eBay. A good clipper will last a lifetime, Clipping should be done in a shower stall to easily scoop up the cut hair for the wastebasket and for easy rinsing off of the rest.

    Work with a guide, moving in the direction of hair growth (ie Hair stream as it is called) since it will remove a bit of length only. 

    Passing at a 45-degree angle will remove a bit more and against the hair stream with a guide will be cut even shorter still.

    Remember not to jump everywhere work methodically, starting at one place and working your way up, around, and back to the beginning. Pubic hair is best-trimmed clipper over comb, first comb out then pass the comb out to near the end and clip the excess giving a nice Barbered crew cut control over the arc curve of the pubian  Nubian bush.