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    Showing posts with label man spa. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label man spa. Show all posts

    Sunday, March 6, 2022

    Mens Prostate Massage

    Men's Prostate Massage Services

    The prostate massage benefits are many, and yet so few men know about them. However Prostatitis is a big deal and enlargement is a standard issue for me over 50 years of age. The size BPH of the prostate can be reduced, and a serious Saturday night pleasure can be discovered in the privacy of your own home by working this little-known Male G-Spot 3 to 4 inches inside the anal cavity.

    What are the benefits of doing a prostate massage?.

    Prevention of Prostate-Related Illnesses like prostatitis, BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia), and of course; the big one... prostate cancer.

    Therefore, proper and regular prostate milking paves the way for the prevention of these unwanted conditions. Prostate massaging can help in eliminating prostatic fluid build-up, which leads to the prostatitis condition and you do not want to acquire prostatitis, which is also known as painful inflammation of the prostate.

    The common mindset is that prostate massage, also known as prostate milking, is a bit more taboo for most men.  The idea of inserting a finger or an anal toy of some sort into their anus turns them off since it is ...Just So Gay.

    If you find yourself relating to this Mindset," get over it" and don’t count it out unless you’ve actually tried doing so. Since you’d be surprised to discover there are major benefits to massaging the prostate that goes beyond sexual aspects. From Cancer prevention, erectile dysfunction, to reducing or even eliminating the need for that frequent night urination trips; with just a little dribble coming out.

    In brief prostate massage can clear the prostatic duct of stagnant fluids that do not get expelled with ejaculation, it relieves discomfort while ejaculating, Gives that good old spasm while ejaculating like in the old days instead of just the trickle ...which is a great deal of fun and important to the male orgasm,helps with erectile dysfunction, brings improved urine flow.

    For a more detailed Wikipedia read go to the Prostate Massage source 

    Many quickly notice temporary relief from their symptoms for a while. . With more massages, the symptoms may stop returning as quickly. Ultimately, the goal is for the massage to entirely eliminate the symptoms and signs of the problem.

    Before having it done it is important to anal douche... no big deal, google search that, get an anal douche bottle kit on alliexpress, and your good to go. Important so that the anal cavity is really clean, person massaging should be wearing non-latex glove or a condom on the finger, and lots of lube ...goes without saying.

    Start slow, massaging that sphincter or as to get past the earthly door and the anal wink. Once they are about 4 inches in they should feel it; then start in a slow circular motion have them not massage vigorously since it can increase the symptoms.

    Many quickly notice temporary relief from their symptoms for a while. . With more massages, the symptoms may stop returning as quickly. Ultimately, the goal is for the massage to entirely eliminate the symptoms and signs of the problem.

    Google search prostate massage benefits... and see its history. 

    The Jury is out on the electronic massager version however it has its merits and you can DIY it yourself in the privacy of your home.

    Same protocol of preanal douche and having a whizz to empty the bladder...lots of lube and slow easy insertion. Once all set up in the saddle then start the vibrational feature nice and slow.

    Close your eyes, start breathing the Micro Cosmic Orbit way .. with the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth, and breath "Slow and slower still. and enjoy then slow ascension to mangasm from the inside out for a change, since every guy and their kid brother is so ingrained with a yank on the wang like it's a piece of rubber until it spits out the come goop; that they have no clue there is the option to have a heavenly ascension to a multi-wave mangasm of several minutes instead of several seconds.

    This alone is a revelation to those who seek out this sane and healthy experience...Keep at it ...

    Not usually supported by the mainstream medical community, since they go more by medication and of course Insurance companies do not cover the cost.

    Click the image below to discover the Saturday Night Orbital potential of the... ACF Prostate Massager with  Wireless Multiple Vibrating Speed and Patterns to experience your first "Body orgasm instead of the usual Penis Ejaculation Orgasm "

    Yet Amazon can hook you up easy have a look at the clickable image link below and read on.

    These have the great double feature of variable vibration intensity to the prostate itself .

    As well as a great vibrating contact to the perineum .

    Which is both a great internal and external sensational experience... you will not soon forget... Add Micro Cosmic Orbit Breathing and you are good to Go..."Yo Daddi" as they say.

    Click the Tabs below to share this to your various profiles ... you will be amazed as to the amount of interest on this topic.

    Human Chakras tuning services

     Chakra Tuning Services

    In brief, the;1st Root: located at base of the spine/Pubis is Foundation and Grounding,

    2nd Sacral: Lower Back/below Navel is Emotion Sexuality,

    3rd Solar Plexus: Mid-Back below Sternum is Personal Power, Autonomy, Metabolism,

    4th Heart: Mid Chest Shoulder Blades is love and Integrity,

    5th Throat: Uppermost Chest and Upper Back is Communication and Creativity,

    6th Brow: Between Eyebrows and Back of head allows for seeing physically and intuitively,

    7th Crown: Topmost part of the Head relates to consciousness or the universal e-mail as I like to call it.

    spiritual and alternative medicine

    Since it gives awareness and with awareness one is not so attached to thoughts  and the forms that go with thoughts, but more aware and present which is the best beauty tip there is out there in the media world of "Image"

    Click to read more Chakras Vital Life Force Articles /Here for the More Western Quantum reading

    Swedish Massage Services

     Swedish Massage Services

    Swedish massage therapy has been perfect after Workout chaser for the average run-of-the-mill Athlete type, since the dawn of time.     What you can expect is 5 major techniques of effleurage, friction, petrissage, tapotement with vibration, and shaking done by skilled registered and licensed hands, trained in an alternative medical systems school.

    It increases the flow of oxygenated blood to tight muscle tissues and in so doing releases toxins from tissue and organs. It was developed in the 1700s by Pehr Henrik Ling,a Doctor who used his knowledge of physiology and massage beauty techniques from the Far East and then adapted it to the European Consciousness. It became the 1st form of Full Body Massage to become prominent in the West and remains a great relaxing Cocktail that stays with you for a nice while.


     It is best done on a nude massage client; draped with a towel or sheet, since the sensorial aspect of it is there, and wrestling with underwear can get in the way of smooth flowing effleurage strokes that are part of Toronto Spas info on this great Massage Therapy Technique.

    It was my first Certification back in 1992 at Therpsycorps Montreal.

    My multi-interest keep me in other alternative therapies involving men's health, body grooming, and financial lifestyle management directions, I still get enough massage clients to keep me active in what remains my original mind-body intervention since it is quite the experience with the Chakra tuning forks I also include in the service.

    In 2013 I spent the last 10 days of the months of May-August offering my services Near Moncton...Read Blogpost  Men's Spa in Shediac Moncton N.B. area, and learn how that went. On the French Acadian Shore of New Brunswick, since the local scene was ready for it: with competition being Nonexistent.

    I am planning to relocate to the Zona Romantica  area of Puerto Vallarta Mexico; since it is a progressive thinking place with a great quality of life.... to the area, as soon as travel restrictions 

    Mens Body Hair removal services Puerto Vallarta

    Male Beauty Forum Hair Removal Services

     Providing simple no-nonsense solutions in the Men's Health Beauty Spa Treatments niche so that it makes sense. 

    In a Clean Private  Man space where the Intimacy of your person is maintained and respected  at all times

    Male body Hair Removal Services are the most popular in the form of waxing, clipping shaving combinations.


     Unlike mainstream salons which talk about Manscaping but do not have it quite down like the experience and service menu solution for your Manscaping needs#Malebeautyforum Claude Edwin Theriault and his acquired skills and experience in the Men's Body Hair Removal  Spa Industry: in Toronto as well as Montreal. Still continue to make the continued effort in my pursuit of value building education so as to Increase the Value of the Goods and Services I deliver… again something you do not see in the Canadian/World Spa Industry… you simply just don’t. Every day I write the book … I explain in my Confessions of a Men’s Health & Beauty Therapist Book on Amazon. It’s turning into an Industry Disrupting Hoot in the Completely Insular  Spa world Niche.

    Los misterios del amor son del alma, pero un cuerpo es el libro en que se leen

    Meaning The Mysteries of Love are of the soul, but the body is the book in which they are read.

    Serving Clients what they need by having them explain to me what they want in professional Manscaping.

    Something no other site is doing in its setup, so read on and read thoroughly, since I have spent years setting up this info into a working system to carry it through to completion.

    By doing creative briefs that serve as a toolbox that enables me to identify men in the like-minded Human Optimization Experience group/audience and create the message that builds the trust that ends up selling to them the best…. Something mainstream simply does not do since they simply do not know-how.
    Hence the reason I am experiencing growth in business is due to the  Transformational value of simple connection provided to clients, it is really all simple.

    State what you do and how to get it “plain and simple” so loyal clients will adopt you as their Go-To Guy source for their needs.

    Opt-Into my Instagram be kept in the Lifestyle Info News Feed of what I am up to in the Internet sphere.

    In the GTA area Men are interested in a wide spa menu of Body Hair Removal And the Emotional Well Being, it brings!

    With easy to grasp Health & Beauty info; in our ever-aging lives and the Men's Spa Fitness body image we like to keep,

    I am now still very much a part of an intense continuing education training to come up with the skills needed to make a difference.

    How we operate
    I work in a most concise professional yet relaxed manner. Building good rapport with clients, establishing their needs, then meeting their needs. Since I believe one's decision in choosing a Beauty Therapist is both a personal and intimate one.

    I know that contacting a Beauty Therapist for the first time is a Historic moment in a man's life and one wants a no-nonsense contact source you can be comfortable with.

    So I encourage you to not be shy, leave your name and a brief message and I will answer your email.

    FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions) I get asked the most often examples below:

    What is the cost of Body Hair removal services, how much does men's body waxing hurt, how long does it take to do a body hair removal session in your studio, how painful is body hair removal, do you do butt waxing, where is your body hair removal studio located, how many laser sessions do I need, does body waxing make the hair weaker.... and many more.

    No question is left unanswered, so type in your question and get informed today........

    Saturday, September 29, 2018

    Man Spa Services Puerto Vallarta

    Man Spa Services  Puerto Vallarta

    Men's Butt Waxing Downtown Puerto Vallarta


     The growth in the Man Spa industry continues since more and more mainstream men are discovering the comfort and joy of full-service Spa treatments.

    From Men's Brazilian waxing, body hair grooming, and Skin Care. Click to view my Men's Butt Waxing info post


    Mens Body Hair Removal Spa Services Zona Romantica Puerto Vallarta Mexico

    Man Spa Services

    Mens Spa Mexico  

     The Health and Beauty needs mindset has shifted a great deal. However, the business that should be serving these markets its needs is not doing so, due to it basically being a hyped-up and over-marketed business machine at times, stuck in a marketing pattern dated by many years.


     Health and Beauty therapist Claude Edwin Theriault, in the Spa business since 1990:really, has found and fine-tuned his skills to serve the needs of his eclectic Toronto clientele as well as his daily expansion worldwide online clientele. And in so doing has become the go-to guy in simple straightforward advice on how and where to find answers to one's Health and wellness needs.

    So shop carefully to find the right fit for your Lifestyle and Mindset.

    Have a look at the studio space of Claude Edwin Theriault; a very professional yet beyond mainstream Men's Spa in Toronto 19 floors above the Hoopla...since 1997

    Wednesday, August 15, 2012

    Men's Health Spa Sevices Nova Scotia

      Men's Health Spa Sevices Nova Scotia is about to receive a beyond dull mainstream Spa experience they can feel.
    In Fall of 2014, with the arrival of Health and Beauty Therapist Claude Edwin Theriault .Bringing his more then 20 years of experience to the Downtown Halifax Metro area;by setting up a local personalized Spa Studio extension of his Toronto Men's Spa. Short term to test the local market potential in downtown Halifax. To serve as a satellite Spa to his Toronto based Tree house Spa on Huntley Street.There since 1997- Present , with  years of multiple Alternative Therapy discipline training and practice in Montreal 1990-1997.

    Claude Edwin Theriault is one of the the few Licensed Male Aesthetician in the entire country and the only one with the multiple Alternative Therapy Diplomas acquired from 14 years of study,as well as the more then 20 years of experience. Actively studying Web 2.0 Social media since 2002 currently building I phone and Android Applications for the IOS Smart phone s to bring his knowledge of Health and Longevity to an interested audience.
    With time and pace getting to be just too fast Claude is doing a "Get Back" number and getting back to where he once belonged. French Acadian shore being the place of his childhood, it serves as a great place to set up a very Minimum Zen studio to do Body work in his casual non pretentious or La Di Da Spa manner, not like mainstream Spas and their constant up sells.

    Scheduling will be the first 15 days of the month in Toronto, the last 15 days of the month on the French Acadian Shore.Services will be Swedish Massage with Hot and Cold Stones $50:00 for 1 hrs work, Remineralising Facial $50:00 for 1hr, Body Hair Waxing $20:00 and up depending on the amount of hair,later in the Season towards Fall there will be Marine Body Wraps $90:00 for a 90 minute session and Sea Salt Body Scrub $40:00 for 40 minute session .
    Prices at a lower rate for the year 2013 so as to introduce Spa Services to South Western Nova Scotia, Cash payment and a receipt is written up for you.
    My approach has always  been to provide a very relaxed yet casual and non pretentious experience in a clean and private environment.A mindset which has gained me a majority Male Clientele who are not very well welcomed or treated ; by the angry and frustrated Minimum Wage Barbies that work the Spa industry circuit in Toronto.
     Insider secret on Men's Spa clients is they are Easy and plain in their needs, a bit of Waxing and Body hair clipping then a massage with plain none perfume oils and they are happy ;they are your new client ...Forever. Female clients are very surprised at meeting a male Asthetician since they are so... very ...rare . It makes for  a great experience in a professional wave length very different from the at times phoney and Xenophobic mainstream marketed Spa experience.

    The term spa means Sanitas Per Aqua, meaning cleansing with water and is generally associated with water treatment and which can also be termed as balneotherapy. These health spa treatments generally draw inspiration from the health benefits and the curative powers of mineral water and the natural minerals they contain. These treatments were historically started from visits to the hot springs or the cold springs that had minerals in them and so it did cure many deficiency diseases that some people seem to suffer from. It was not only for relieving oneself from the ailments and deficiency diseases. Many cultures of the world had a spiritual aspect associated with bathing in these so called sacred waters of the world. They believed that it led to their physical and spiritual purification. Even today these practice has been retained in many cultures around the world. Historical evidence provides us with the insight that health spas existed even in the Greco Roman times where they had separate elevated platforms where the functions of undressing, bathing, sweating, receiving a massage and resting were practiced.

    Sunburst Superfoods

    My discipline is Restorative Biology with Marine Phytoplankton from the Inside Out as well as Algo therapy which is remineriazing the body from the Outside In  with Sea  water Algae in the form of Sea Algae based Facials body scrubs and Marine Body Wraps coming later in the season.

    In the past few years I have watched South Western Nova Scotia become very gentrified , like Cape Cod without the Guns and the anger, and I feel the place is ripe to receive a Spa menu as eclectic as the Spa treatment Menu of Claude Edwin Theriault. Also view my parallel Nova Scotia Health Spa blog post on another of my Web 2.0 Social media properties, where I publish Longevity information and Articles I write
    I see the province wide Spa Industry try but fall short in the Spa services and packages offered. "No offense' they just fall short, too much sales copy written up by city based ad agencies . Who do not deliver an eclectic, straight up, no funny stuff ,bring money,nobody gets hurt experience,like Claude Edwin Theriault does just by being himself there in good old South Western Nova Scotia.
    In times when people want and need something they can fell and relate to, available the last 15 days of the month come Spring 2013.

    Serious inquiries only, no telephone number, by e-mail appointment

    Contact :

    Tuesday, September 28, 2010

    Men's Butt Waxing Puerto Vallarta Mexico

    Men's Butt Waxing Puerto Vallarta Mexico

    Professional Men's Body Grooming Services Downtown Toronto GTA

    Men's Butt Waxing, full cheeks, and Cleft space between them; is now the new standard integral part of male grooming routines. It is beyond Gay/Metrosexual 1990's it truly is, the constant worldwide traffic on the topic, I got from my Huntley Street Toronto location 1997-2018; is living proof that it is.

    However, finding a mainstream Spa with staff comfortable enough to work "there" is another thing. Hence the creation of what is called a Niche market. It is a revelation in comfort and sensory awakening to be experienced, it is officially no longer a Gay or Urban male thing, since 2010 it has gone across the board as a new and established Spa treatment.

     Note in summer 2018 I am moving to Nova Scotia to Curate content on Anti -Aging, Longevity and Personal Growth in my MBF-Lifestyle East Coast Nova Scotia FaceBook Group

    Quality Men's Butt Waxing Mexico

     All those cheesy Youtube videos of screaming teen waxings do not reflect the true experience. If done correctly it need not be a painful experience, and with a non-oil-based after waxing treatment, it need not be a pimple breakout experience either. And once you get it done, you will wonder why you did not think of having it done before, since it leaves you with a feeling you do not want to live without.
    The correct Internet research can hopefully get you in touch with the correct technician for the job.

    Read more on Mens Spa services beyond mainstream boring.

    I myself did benchmark work thorough non-sexual waxing treatments on a mostly all-male clientele from 1997-2018 and found the male client to be very easy to work with. Whether Gay, Bi, Straight, married single divorced they are all interested in a non-sexual full-service removal of hair on their butt, genitals, or other body areas where they find excess body hair bothersome.

    Tuesday, August 11, 2009

    Wednesday, July 29, 2009

    Men's Skin Care

    Men's Skin Care, just saw the organic man spa light.

    Discover Alexa ranked Mens Health,Beauty,Fitness Central info Spa Online.

    Claude Edwin Theriault.