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    Showing posts with label Body Hair Removal. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Body Hair Removal. Show all posts

    Saturday, April 6, 2019

    Manscaping Services Downtown Puerto Vallarta™

    Men's Spa Services Mexico

    Manscaping Services Downtown Puerto Vallarta; 
    Are very easy to find these days.
    However, the hard part is finding the "Right One" that can provide you with your full body hair removal needs in one place from one person.

    From Craigslist, Kijiji to Yelp, there are all kinds of fast and furious cheap wax bar wanna bees going after that Men's Body Hair Removal market for the money it represents.
    Male beauty forum has seen them come and go since 1997. Mainstream Spas with their frequent staff turn over there is little chance or time to build lasting Client Practitioner relationships.


     Coming as soon as covid-19 travel restrictions ease to the Zona Romantica area of PV.

     Building solid long-lasting Client /Practitioner relationships is what I do with my clients. Plain simple "Service a la Clientele" is something mainstream does not always have. Behind their phony candy ass veneer

    This is why they tend to lock me in for the next 200 years. Since I provide them with a very simple and painless solution to their body grooming. On my part, I lock them in for the next 200 years as a client who I enjoy working on.

    When they feel a need to call instead of an automated outlook express email system telling them they are due for a visit.

    Manscaping Services /Men's Body Hair Grooming/Services

    So just having a Men's Body waxing services menu does not a Manscaping salon make.
    Men's Body hair needs are very different from women who just need waxing, men on the other hand need Waxing... For example...( The Classic Back Butt; Shoulders),

    Clipping(Arms, Legs, Torso, Bush), shaving(Genitals) since it is easier to take than really is, and even coloring of the torso and pubic bush with a few laser zaps for the ear hairs; last of all.
    It is a menu you do not find just anywhere since it is for a different world. And even though the Spa industry tries to mix and match it is really like Oil and Water, meaning there is Spa Girl world and Spa Boy world and the mix is very different, in the FAQ realm.

     Manscaping Body Hair Grooming Toronto 1997-2018, soon Puerto Vallarta Mexico

    Thus the need to shop carefully to find the right place that knows your needs.
    Like myself Claude Edwin Theriault a fully certified Male esthetician who has been working on male clients since 1990 in Montreal and in Toronto since1997.
    I was very well established at the same Huntley Street studio space since my arrival and provided a very complete list of Manscaping services weekdays 11:00-7:00pm; weekends 1:00-5:00pm by appointment

    I offer a unique blend of waxing and Body hair clipping and shaving with exfoliation to prevent pimple breakouts. All very professional at factory outlet prices that are very reasonable.

    Watch and share the Video below... showing just how quick and easy it all is...

    A creative passion and artistic talents are what sent me into this industry,an industry that does not always have the best training in customer service, which is unfortunate since Male Clients are very "easy to deal with", they are not so big on the pampering and nurturing thing mainstream Spas promote, Male Spa clients simply want the hair off and groomed.... and are not very good at doing it themselves, it is not their profession, so they look for someone to outsource it to...

    It really is simple, and a topic I write a lot about.
    Read my other blog post at Male Beauty Forum

    As well as on my Male Health and Wellness Blog

    It will help you get a better picture of how I have taken 25 years of work experience to create a full spectrum Body Hair Grooming experience that respects the intimacy of a client as well as serves him with a clear, easy cost-effective solution that is practical and affordable in a clean and private environment.

    Thursday, August 25, 2016

    Men's Laser Hair Removal ™

    Not all Men's Laser Hair Removal Toronto services are created equal. When shopping choose a technician who has a clue as to what laser can or cannot do for you.Since media is all over it with the "Never Shave Again :thing.
    Well the truth is you will have to clip and or shave again; laser does not make you as smooth as the palm of your hands for the rest of your life... just like that
    Laser Hair Removal is a progressive Reduction in the Thickness, Density, and Amount of hair on a specifically treated area. Not one or two sessions but many depending on how good your technician is with what is basically just a Tool not a magic hair removing wand.] Men's laser Hair Removal Toronto[/caption] Cost of Laser Hair removal does not always reflect the quality, factor in the rent on the local and the fancier the Spa the higher the rent they pay therefore the more they charge you the client to finance their existence. Also, a technician working at $12:00/hr is not as motivated to work intently as an owner of a Laser Hair removal Spa since their name and reputation is on the line. Click to Read the pdf doc. on Men's laser Hair Removal Toronto press release. All part of the factors to consider when shopping for quality Benchmark Spa services early 2017 I will be opening a satellite studio in Halifax Nova Scotia.  At that time I will only be in Toronto 15 days/month; therefore will not be accepting new clients in Toronto after this time, so hurry and get on my client list while you can. Men’s Laser Hair Removal Toronto It is a technology that does work however it is not an instant fix that happens in one session. Depending on the amount of hair on the specific area; there are quite a few sessions to be done. After which a few follow-up touch-up sessions are needed since the body can and will produce newer growth in time.

    Men’s Laser Hair Removal 

    To learn more on this topic visit the Authority benchmark site Men’s Laser Hair Removal Toronto I have been working with an NDYag Long Pulse laser since 2000 and can say it has been a great worthwhile and challenging experience delivering good consistent results for the money. However, My clients do tell me I do, since they know beforehand that it is a progressive, long-term procedure. It is also important to keep researching until you find a solution to your excess body hair since it is out there... A quick, easy source is the Coupon Deal site that has sprung up, offering Unlimited laser $199;00. It really is 6-7 treatments on 3 body areas... designed to get people in the door with massive upsells to other services. It can be a good source for cheap laser or pain with the frustration of massive upsells you do not want or need, so shop with caution...

    Friday, January 25, 2013

    Men's Spa Services Shediac Moncton N.B.

    Men's Spa Services Shediac Moncton N.B. will be seeing a change with the arrival of Health and Wellness therapist Claude Edwin Theriault in spring 2013. Offering an eclectic range of service such as:Swedish massage with Hot /Cold stones known as LaStone massage , Dead Sea Salt body polish scrubs, Remineralizing Facials, Body Hair Waxing/Clipping. with possible addition of Marine Body Wraps in the last month, depending on demand for that service.

    In brief ;as soon as a nice quiet location can be found in the Shediac area .The first 15 days of the month will be in the Zen Tree House  studio office;devoted to his established clientele in Toronto.
    And the last 15 days of the month will be in the new Zen Beach House Studio in the Shediac N.B. area. Since Claude Edwin Theriault is looking to get away from the big city and is actively looking for a more rural setting. Hence Shediac with it's proximity to an International airport as well as near  Moncton; still ranked as one of the top 10 Canadian cities to live in.

    However it's the Eclectic and gentrified mindset  found in the town of Shediac which has potential as a zen Beach house set up. Response has been good so far , with actual people responding and requesting more info.

    Due to the limited time it will be imperative to book appointments in advanced. Serious non sexual request only since Claude Edwin Theroault is not the local Gay male prostitute,he is State of the art  with 20 years experience, so serious inquiries only SVP.

    Click the relevant links, watch the video and discover more on this news...

    Tuesday, September 28, 2010

    Men's Butt Waxing Puerto Vallarta Mexico

    Men's Butt Waxing Puerto Vallarta Mexico

    Professional Men's Body Grooming Services Downtown Toronto GTA

    Men's Butt Waxing, full cheeks, and Cleft space between them; is now the new standard integral part of male grooming routines. It is beyond Gay/Metrosexual 1990's it truly is, the constant worldwide traffic on the topic, I got from my Huntley Street Toronto location 1997-2018; is living proof that it is.

    However, finding a mainstream Spa with staff comfortable enough to work "there" is another thing. Hence the creation of what is called a Niche market. It is a revelation in comfort and sensory awakening to be experienced, it is officially no longer a Gay or Urban male thing, since 2010 it has gone across the board as a new and established Spa treatment.

     Note in summer 2018 I am moving to Nova Scotia to Curate content on Anti -Aging, Longevity and Personal Growth in my MBF-Lifestyle East Coast Nova Scotia FaceBook Group

    Quality Men's Butt Waxing Mexico

     All those cheesy Youtube videos of screaming teen waxings do not reflect the true experience. If done correctly it need not be a painful experience, and with a non-oil-based after waxing treatment, it need not be a pimple breakout experience either. And once you get it done, you will wonder why you did not think of having it done before, since it leaves you with a feeling you do not want to live without.
    The correct Internet research can hopefully get you in touch with the correct technician for the job.

    Read more on Mens Spa services beyond mainstream boring.

    I myself did benchmark work thorough non-sexual waxing treatments on a mostly all-male clientele from 1997-2018 and found the male client to be very easy to work with. Whether Gay, Bi, Straight, married single divorced they are all interested in a non-sexual full-service removal of hair on their butt, genitals, or other body areas where they find excess body hair bothersome.

    Thursday, July 1, 2010

    Health Beauty Fitness

    With mainstream media in decline, the new source of lastest up to date facts on Health Beauty Fitness are now found online.
    Web 2.0 Social Media has the latest facts in clear short easy to read condensed versions for a public that has a very limited attention span as well as time to devote to the pursuit of getting the info they want and need quickly and easily.
    Hence the massive growth in the Alexa ranked popularity; of the Authority word press site of eclectic Artist as well as Heath and Beauty Therapist Claude Edwin Theriault.

    Having spent the past 20 years studying and researching developments in all aspects from Body Hair Removal, Weight Loss, Anti-Aging, Sports performance and many more. So as to digest the latest most innovative products,technology as well as the new direct sales means of having it all delivered to your door at a fraction of the cost of retail purchase.

    In these pre 2012 times things are changing fast, however the good stuff and access to it remains constant at the Health and Beauty Central site of Claude Edwin Theriault.

    Come visit join and contribute to the conversation with comments in an interactive way mainstream media does not provide and become a part of it all .