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    Showing posts with label Hot and Cold stone massage. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Hot and Cold stone massage. Show all posts

    Sunday, March 6, 2022

    Hot Cold Stone Massage Services

     Hot Cold StoneMassage Services

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     By using geo-thermal-therapy the Hot Basalt & Cold Marble Stones I produce a vascular gymnastics of flushing blood in and out the tissue ... and the client on the table experiences a very soothing therapeutic sports massage modality effect of deep tissue massage without the rip & gouge..... is a sink into a very deep and profound sense of relaxation.

    Where the Shamanic side to the stones are kicked in since they are high energy stones and are powerful allies to have for personal path workings and for healing or just plain of the day unwind, without the flaky "Woo Woo " side.

    However, the truth is  Hot and Cold stones can connect you the client with earth energies that stay with you for days. Since

    they are powerful in grounding and energies.

    Basalt Stones with their high Iron content hold and retain the heat the best and the longest of all stones, and Quarried Marble hold and retain the Cold the best and longest.

    It is in my professional opinion the top experience to both give and receive, due to it being go relaxing and grounding.

    For the client, the "lights truly go out" on this one, and with the placing of the stones on various areas bodywork continues on an area while I work on another(i.e. the spinal layout, where a row of hot and cold stones are laid out in a vertical line covered with a pillowcase and then laid upon)

    by the client. While I work the front side of the body.

    Finishing with Chakra alignment with tuning forks that leave you feeling centered and very grounded, while those around you are not grounded at all.... in times of multiple distractions

    Hot Cold Stone Massage,LaStone Therapy To learn more on my other technique, click to view my Swedish massage therapy explained

    The original Hot Cold Stone Massage, La Stone Therapy is a great Holistic energy Bodywork. Ideal to add to one's Man Health after Exercise/Human Longevity routine. It is the original and best of all the complementary health Hot Stone wannabes going around the Spa circuit these days.

    Hot Cold Stones massage with Claude Edwin Theriault releases deep tissue; Induces a state of deep relaxation that, you do not find just anywhere ...

    Created by Mary Nelson in Tuscon Arizona 1993 it is based on traditional Zen Philosophies and Native American Rituals. Courses are located worldwide for licensed massage therapists to part take.

    I myself did my training in Toronto in 2001 and then traveled to Wisconsin in 2002 to take more advanced training.

    In the Spring of 2013, I opened my satellite's Spa in the town of Shediac near Moncton N.B., on the French Acadian Shore of Le Beau Basin. To test if the local Moncton scene was up for it, I met great local clients.