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    Saturday, April 6, 2019

    Manscaping Services Downtown Puerto Vallarta™

    Men's Spa Services Mexico

    Manscaping Services Downtown Puerto Vallarta; 
    Are very easy to find these days.
    However, the hard part is finding the "Right One" that can provide you with your full body hair removal needs in one place from one person.

    From Craigslist, Kijiji to Yelp, there are all kinds of fast and furious cheap wax bar wanna bees going after that Men's Body Hair Removal market for the money it represents.
    Male beauty forum has seen them come and go since 1997. Mainstream Spas with their frequent staff turn over there is little chance or time to build lasting Client Practitioner relationships.


     Coming as soon as covid-19 travel restrictions ease to the Zona Romantica area of PV.

     Building solid long-lasting Client /Practitioner relationships is what I do with my clients. Plain simple "Service a la Clientele" is something mainstream does not always have. Behind their phony candy ass veneer

    This is why they tend to lock me in for the next 200 years. Since I provide them with a very simple and painless solution to their body grooming. On my part, I lock them in for the next 200 years as a client who I enjoy working on.

    When they feel a need to call instead of an automated outlook express email system telling them they are due for a visit.

    Manscaping Services /Men's Body Hair Grooming/Services

    So just having a Men's Body waxing services menu does not a Manscaping salon make.
    Men's Body hair needs are very different from women who just need waxing, men on the other hand need Waxing... For example...( The Classic Back Butt; Shoulders),

    Clipping(Arms, Legs, Torso, Bush), shaving(Genitals) since it is easier to take than really is, and even coloring of the torso and pubic bush with a few laser zaps for the ear hairs; last of all.
    It is a menu you do not find just anywhere since it is for a different world. And even though the Spa industry tries to mix and match it is really like Oil and Water, meaning there is Spa Girl world and Spa Boy world and the mix is very different, in the FAQ realm.

     Manscaping Body Hair Grooming Toronto 1997-2018, soon Puerto Vallarta Mexico

    Thus the need to shop carefully to find the right place that knows your needs.
    Like myself Claude Edwin Theriault a fully certified Male esthetician who has been working on male clients since 1990 in Montreal and in Toronto since1997.
    I was very well established at the same Huntley Street studio space since my arrival and provided a very complete list of Manscaping services weekdays 11:00-7:00pm; weekends 1:00-5:00pm by appointment

    I offer a unique blend of waxing and Body hair clipping and shaving with exfoliation to prevent pimple breakouts. All very professional at factory outlet prices that are very reasonable.

    Watch and share the Video below... showing just how quick and easy it all is...

    A creative passion and artistic talents are what sent me into this industry,an industry that does not always have the best training in customer service, which is unfortunate since Male Clients are very "easy to deal with", they are not so big on the pampering and nurturing thing mainstream Spas promote, Male Spa clients simply want the hair off and groomed.... and are not very good at doing it themselves, it is not their profession, so they look for someone to outsource it to...

    It really is simple, and a topic I write a lot about.
    Read my other blog post at Male Beauty Forum

    As well as on my Male Health and Wellness Blog

    It will help you get a better picture of how I have taken 25 years of work experience to create a full spectrum Body Hair Grooming experience that respects the intimacy of a client as well as serves him with a clear, easy cost-effective solution that is practical and affordable in a clean and private environment.

    Monday, January 28, 2019

    French Acadian Culture NFT Trend

    May of 2020 sees the collection of French Acadian Artist Claude Edwin Theriault moving beyond the Digby Co land of Maude Lewis; to BlockChain hosted storefronts.

    .It is the News Trend to watch in mainstream representations of French Acadian Culture NFT trend that are always straight out of Wikipedia in that standard-issue historic patrimonial sense.

    Having this new NFT tech asset class march right along is all good and inevitable, however, we are the guardians of our path as much as we are the Champions of the World in this new world order, which is such a VR/AR copy of the real one, it is difficult to distinguish between the two of them.

    Part of the charm and mystic to neural perceptron 5G  networks, we are all connecting to.


     A major change in the old art Paradigm. With the launch of New England Same-Sex Lobster Couple Salt & Pepper Design. Going from POD eBay to ERC-1155 smart contract now on blockchain as NFT making news in the active crypto art speculation sphere. As well as the Nova Scotia Crest Motto reboot. There is so much more to this vibrant community than what is out there. Early artist inspiration was Maritime folk Art, now more First Nations Inspired and runs parallel to equally interesting Nova Scotia

    Mi’kmaq Culture and will continue to do so.


     Since there is little room for fresh self representing artistic voice and expression.If the standard Canadian Arts Council clan are not behind it, then it does not see the light of day. Virtual Gallery walkthrough
    tour 1st floor...


    Virtual walkthrough tour 2nd floor..


     All cultural representations are in Acadian Music, Culture, Festivals, and Genealogy in Nova Scotia.... and that's it that's all, very challenging for an artist to have a voice. Yet the spirit of French Acadians is very vibrant and innovative, pity it is not encouraged more. Now with Web 2.0 help time will tell, newly created MBF-Lifestyle FaceBook Lifestyle Group is trending, visit and join this free group to be part of the change. Till then go have a look at the busy innovative Shamanic Inspired Online French Acadian Art Gallery of Claude Edwin Theriault it just might show you a different side of the Culture, yet parallel mainstream.


    French Acadian NFT Artist trend to watch on opensea

    Active in 3-D Digital Experience Design Avatars on the Blockchain for the MAT Mass Adoption Tokenization of Brand Avatars in the VR Metaverse
    On the trend and launches the Digital Faberge Egg Digital Versions; were deployed to the Blockchain in an NFT ERC 1155 smart Contract.

    Sacred Designs and Proportions meet in symmetry. Express in 360-degree rotating digital files . Minted on ERC-1155 platforms.
    Digerati Fuelled Renaissance-like there has not been for hundreds of years
    For Self Representing Artist it is the “Art is what you can get away with” playing field that would have that Andy Warhol frantic with Glee.

    If you own it you can tokenize it, so go forth and tokenize your NFT’s Designs. In the new MAT Mass Adoption Tokenization shift going on.


    Stand by for updates on the coming up for sale availability of these close to one hundred works on canvas and several hundred works on paper.

    Visit and see blockchain art.


      French Acadian Culture The mainstream breadwinner is a french Acadian songs, music with an emphasis on accents, saying, and dialect. Leaving the visual arts out, for the most part, providing it is visual representations of Evangeline et Gabriel.

      image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host image host

     Written in The english language and published in 1847. The poem follows the "Story of a nice Acadian Girl" named Evangeline and her pain body search for her lost love Gabriel, set during the time of the Expulsion of the Acadians.....classic opera template. It became Longfellow's most famous work in his lifetime and remains one of his most popular and enduring works..... The poem had a powerful effect in defining both Acadian history and identity in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. More recent scholarship has revealed the historical errors in the poem and the complexity of the Expulsion and those involved, which the poem ignores

     The current Acadian cultural Hermitage site is the "Grand-Pré Heritage site" keynote as to why it became Canada's 16th World Heritage Site inscribed by UNESCO in 2012. Since it is where the tourist goes to ... uncover the tale of Le Grand Dérangement: a tragic event in Acadian history that has shaped the vibrant culture of modern-day Acadians across the globe through its quiet but powerful renaissance. Yet there is no sympathy for today's plight of the close to 70 million people currently in a state of deportation. As is shown in the Al Weiwei documentary Human Flow. That we are all in a state of Human Flow like Al Weiwei tries to show us, yet, no one is interested.

    French Acadian Culture


     Go have a look at The Youtube channel that features the artwork of Nova Scotia based French Acadian Artist Claude Edwin Theriault, it has passed the One Million Views... go figure. That is what happens when mainstream is not the source for your audience to learn of your work. Be daring and actually subscribe to the Channel so that Youtube can keep you informed by sending you video updates as soon as they are posted. Frequently asked questions ( FAQ) What is the meaning of the Acadian Flag? What are the main Acadian Customs? What are traditional Acadian Dishes? What is the difference between Acadians and Quebecois? What are some Acadian dialect words? Why is Acadian Music and dance so important?

    Saturday, September 29, 2018

    Man Spa Services Puerto Vallarta

    Man Spa Services  Puerto Vallarta

    Men's Butt Waxing Downtown Puerto Vallarta


     The growth in the Man Spa industry continues since more and more mainstream men are discovering the comfort and joy of full-service Spa treatments.

    From Men's Brazilian waxing, body hair grooming, and Skin Care. Click to view my Men's Butt Waxing info post


    Mens Body Hair Removal Spa Services Zona Romantica Puerto Vallarta Mexico

    Man Spa Services

    Mens Spa Mexico  

     The Health and Beauty needs mindset has shifted a great deal. However, the business that should be serving these markets its needs is not doing so, due to it basically being a hyped-up and over-marketed business machine at times, stuck in a marketing pattern dated by many years.


     Health and Beauty therapist Claude Edwin Theriault, in the Spa business since 1990:really, has found and fine-tuned his skills to serve the needs of his eclectic Toronto clientele as well as his daily expansion worldwide online clientele. And in so doing has become the go-to guy in simple straightforward advice on how and where to find answers to one's Health and wellness needs.

    So shop carefully to find the right fit for your Lifestyle and Mindset.

    Have a look at the studio space of Claude Edwin Theriault; a very professional yet beyond mainstream Men's Spa in Toronto 19 floors above the Hoopla...since 1997