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    Showing posts with label Swedish massage. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Swedish massage. Show all posts

    Wednesday, September 28, 2016

    Gay Mens Body Hair Grooming Services Puerto Vallarta™

    Men's Body Hair Grooming Services

    Out of all the Spa Beauty Cocktail Services, I serve daily;Men's Body Hair Grooming is by far the most popular one. Be it Men's Body Hair Clipping, Shave, Color, Waxing, or Laser. Body Hair removal= $$$ and is now a 5 Billion dollar a year industry, 2 Billion in North America alone. All portraits of the Male Form these days, from Porn to Sports Icon to Hardware Store weekend flyers are of the Hairless Male Model Mode, to a point I call the Cult of the Hairlessness. When guys talk about this; one often hears how it "Bothers" them. And rightly so since it does make a difference on the sensory as well as the visual level. It is also very hygienic, especially in the Pubio-genital area or the "Underside of the chassis" or Men's Brazillian waxing as it is called.

    Gay Men's Body Hair Grooming Services  Puerto Vallarta™


     This new interest marks a clearly defined shift in the Paradigm Mindset framework of 21st-century man who is now so immersed in Tech and the smooth sleek lines of Tech Design that he seeks to emulate this minimal sleekness in his own Body Image. At times it can be somewhat over the top with a bit of obsession, after all, it is only hair. But a good well-done Body waxing, clip, shave combo, and even coloring of Chest and Pubic bush does keep a man locked into a younger age group, it really does.
     Body hair is part of the body topography and grooming is not a chore it is and has been from the dawn of time a very natural animal instinct, Black hair is stronger than lighter hair and is more of an effort to remove, however it gives us a moment to ourselves. We grow hair so we have the hair cut away, so as to avoid looking unkempt, it is, however, a skill set to get it right. Hence the need to have it outsourced, to let us do what we do best in a world of non-stop go go. It serves as a time to connect and be present with the intimacy of ourselves and no purpose other than that.

    Men's Body Hair Grooming

    Check out my newly published e-book on Amazon Kdp Confessions of a Men's Health and Beauty Therapist and discover what Men in the know now know. It truly is an insider Secrets walk through all the major points to cover, so as to have "The Edge Advantage" out there.


    Men's Body Hair Grooming Puerto Vallarta Mexico [/caption] There is currently a surge in mainstream offering Manscaping services when in truth they only offer waxing. Men's Body Hair removal needs are more than just waxing, it also includes body hair clipping, shaving, coloring, and laser. Since my involvement in the Spa industry beginning in 1990.

    I have formulated a full-spectrum menu that serves men's needs with these essential services in a clean quiet studio 19 floors above the mainstream in Toronto since1997

     My intent has always been to build long-lasting client relations based on trust and respect, and have done so. This is why I continue to thrive in a Toronto Spa industry that sees a lot of new players come and go. Since there's is not that kind of relationship-building they are just there for the money and phony service. One can see it all over social media sites, clients talking of pretentious attitude from staff simply not trained or motivated to build lasting Client bonds.

      So shop wisely when choosing a place and technician to serve your Manscaping needs. Because it's quite the Minimum wage Barbie Barn Rodeo circuit out there. 

     Men's Body Hair Grooming For professional solid Manscaping Body Hair Grooming Services near me see.. excerpts from my eclectic Man Spa Back Hair Clip & Grooming Treatment bodywork .
    Also, even more info when you visit my Authority Men's Body Hair Grooming main site...