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    Showing posts with label Secresea. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Secresea. Show all posts

    Thursday, May 5, 2011

    Organic Skin Care Line

    Organic Skin Care Line
    Have you ever wondered why some skin care products are so cheap? Let me tell you their secret. They use active ingredients in the tiniest amount and fill the rest of the creams with pH balance, preservatives, and chemically engineered fragrance. These chemical ingredients can be very harmful for your skin as well as health. Let me give you a brief insight into some of those dangerous chemicals that you have to avoid while you shop for these products online.


    Dioxane is one of those harmful chemicals that are widely used in cheap skin care products. It is basically a coconut derivative, and it is known to cause severe health problems that include skin cancer.


    Parabens is another preservative that is used in these cheap products. It is not only carcinogenic, but it may also cause skin rashes and allergic reactions. What is more, it can even damage the human endocrine system.

    Phenol carbolic acid

    Some cheap skin care products also use phenol carbolic acid that is probably the most dangerous of all other chemicals. It can cause convulsions, paralysis, or circulatory collapse. What is more, if applied in larger quantities, it can even result in comma or death.

    All these chemicals have been banned for use in cosmetics in Europe, but are still being used by many companies. Therefore, do not forget to read the actual ingredients used in the products before you buy them .Men's Skin Care in particular is quite brutal since it's a market that is not particular, they just grab, smear and run. The industry knows it can sell them whatever it wants.

    Organic Skin Care Line

    In my continued research I have found my forever green and their secresea line of whole food source marine phytoplankton sin care line from on high. I now have an active distributor account that gets me direct access to the best of the best delivered to my door.
    You to can have the same with your own member account
    With distribution in United States, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore. United Kingdom,Netherlands,and Germany. You can use web 2.0 social media and soon have your own network providing you with a commission source of income to finance more then just your extensive skin care regime. Follow link to Secresea Organic Skin Care Line :and discover a for real myforevergreen going places company and get back to me.

    Organic Skin Care Line

    Monday, December 21, 2009

    Men's Skin Care

    Men's Skin Care continues it's rise in popularity, however this past few months, I have been seeing the traffic to the Seacresea skin care page on my malebeautyforum website.Show me a new shift in the collective mindset of the male consumer for more natural organic products. The hyped up on hooplah industry has been throwing around the term natural since the 1970's ,in the beginning of this century; organic is the new natural buzz word.
    Well now there is actually wild crafted; meaning grows by itself is not farmed but more harvested in the form of Marine Phytoplankton.Micro tiny little heads of lettuce like plant forms in the ocean cultivated by being left on it's own to grow and replicate on a $30 million dollar sea farm out on the Pacific west coast by a publicly traded company My Forever Green with direct sales system in 30 countries
    A serious company with a seriuos eco vision putting out a skin care product line not, I repeat not found in any store . But rather sold direct sales to the clients and delivered at a fraction of he price of the marked up retail stuff.

    Worth checking out a product that can really deliver solutions to your skin care concerns.

    Thursday, July 9, 2009

    Natural Skin Care

    Natural Skin Care is hard to come by these days, since every manufacture has gone the way of chemical toxic spike. Especially the big brand names, take the time to read the ingredients on the back under a magnifing galss and you will see the light.
    I personnally have had an active interest in this field since 1990 when I started in the Spa industry. Since then I completed certification in Applied Algolgy and visited Bretagne France to see the source as well in 2000.
    However most have been bought up by big nutri-corporate interest and the natural simply is not so natural any more.
    However I have since discovered Secresea made from marine phytoplankton harvested and processed under the most meticulous and tested conditions by a company called my forevergreen.A direct sales company where product will never be made available in any stores, it is bought through a member or with ones own easy to set up active member acount and then shipped direct from the manufacturer source at significant cost savings over retail.
    In my opinion a very nice way to shop and do business in a Web2.0 social media world going places.
    Check out more news on this at my video below.

    Sunday, February 4, 2007

    Men's Skin Care

    As much in demand as my Hair Grooming and removal Services are,Men's Skin Care is a Favorite . Face and Body treatments do sell,and I enjoy the sculpting of flesh aspect to it and the Bio-regenerative Look that comes within treatments;however they are not as prioritized an item as the hair.Yet our skin is the Surface layer of our Brain,without the sense of touch wired into Skin we would have no relationship to the present moment,touch being the Mother of all senses a form of speech onto itself it is important to nourish the skin sourced. All it needs is basic builing blocks, so feed your Face and body with a basic plain no perfume i.e. grapeseed oil,it is inexpensive,light ,non greasy yet pure nutrition.After shower,naked skin pores are still open and it is the best time to apply a product it absorbs quickly and you can then get dressed for the day.Also of prime importance is to exfoliate with an exfoliating product once a week so that dead skin cells are removed and new ones encouraged ,again done on a day when you have lots of time to rub an exfoliant and leave it on the skin for 4-5 minutes instead of a quick drive-thru gig,like guys in a rush tend to do.It is basic maintainence that provides us with "a moment" to our intimate sensorial selves in a gogo world.An will prevent waking up to a sagging demineralized ,"Iguana Hide" as we call it at Skin Divo,it is out there.Look around and see for yourself the Skin Topographies out there in the world of man.<