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    Saturday, March 26, 2022

    Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024 NFT Artist

     Congrès mondial acadien 2024

    Tous les Director/Directrice et President/président sont en place

    Venez vivre votre Acadie! DU 10 AU 18 AOÛT 2024 LE SUD-OUEST DE LA NOUVELLE-ÉCOSSE Bienvenue à Claregyle

    Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024- NFT artwork Claude Edwin Theriault

    La réunion acadienne française est mise en place et organisée avec de la musique de violon traditionnelle comme le moulinet Ste Anne, les claquettes Baie en Joie et la tarte rappie traditionnelle. Avec des types Comeau bon marché qui viennent de loin à la recherche de trucs gratuits comme de la nourriture, dans les moments difficiles dans les Temps difficile de les  maritimes.

    English Version of Clargyle Congres Mondial CMA2024

    Organisé à Clare et Argyle maintenant connu sous le nom de Claregyle, il s'agit d'un événement patrimonial à surveiller dans le sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Écosse.

    Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024- NFT artwork

    Le comité n'a pas de gestionnaire de profil de médias sociaux, il n'est donc pas et ne sera pas considéré comme l'événement artistique culturel à voir ou à assister.

    Puisqu'il est organisé par des Blancs hétérosexuels pour des Blancs hétérosexuels, il n'y a malheureusement pas d '"espace" pour une voix LGBT et encore moins une voix d'artiste visuel Queer Asperger comme Claude Edwin Theriault @ MBF-Lifestyle.

    Leurs esprits politiquement corrects et avertis en faveur de l'agenda de l'inclusion ont avalé la pilule de l'inclusion gay, mais queer est une forme subversive de gay à laquelle ils ne peuvent pas tout à fait faire face, surtout quand il s'agit de l'école de pensée Faye Cameron / Francis Bacon. Dans ta face pour que la business se fassent comme Loco Locas dirait.

    Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024 Claregyle

    et est à la mode des NFT d'expérience en conception graphique de mouvement 3D qui brisent les barrières. Marginalisé et laissé de côté comme l'homme étrange qui regarde depuis plus d'un demi-siècle, Claude a développé un œil très attentif sur la transe aveugle Wetiko, la même vieille façon dont les gens poussent l'agenda, et il est d'accord avec ça. Son design a remporté le premier rang Platine aux Hermes Creative Design Awards en animation vidéo, sur la base de leur mérite, ce n'était pas une loterie, cependant, pas besoin de mentionner qu'ils ne l'obtiennent tout simplement pas, ils ne l'obtiennent vraiment pas parce que ce sont tous des types confidentiels du lycée qui dirigent le "Show" directement dans le sol et c'est OK.

    La culture acadienne francophone du Canada atlantique donne beaucoup de poids aux Musiciens qu'ils considèrent comme de vrais artistes, pas tellement des artistes visuels. Il y a Daniel Leblanc, Dave "Visage de La Mort" Leblanc et cette mignonne pétutie Blu et sa corjeen.

    Dans le deuxième palier de classe, il y a les suspects habituels June Deveau, Denise Comeau, Nadine Belliveau et même Claude Chaloux cependant, les joueurs de guitare et de violon sont la principale foire de l'identité culturelle.

    Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024-NFT artwork

    Ce qui est bien Claude comprend et accepte la notion de clics et de clans. Et comment les gens sont câblés pour détester ce qu'ils ne comprennent pas. Claude fait de l'art et des dessins La culture acadienne française ne s'intéresse pas, et la culture acadienne française fait de l'art que Claude ne s'intéresse pas. Puisqu'elle pousse simplement un programme ancien et fatigué qui n'attire tout simplement pas le touriste comme il se doit; et ne le sera jamais. Pourtant, les députés phalliques provinciaux et fédéraux injectent de grosses sommes d'argent dans t pour créer le programme d'emplois d'emplois d'emplois d'emplois qui est vieux et fatigué

    Une partie du changement culturel massif de la saison hivernale du quatrième cycle tournant du changement social et de l'innovation.

    Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024-NFT artwork

    Le Canada atlantique est très bien une culture insulaire provinciale, des caisses de bureau centrées sur Haligonia dans la capitale, aux bureaucrates universitaires administratifs qui gèrent le patrimoine patrimonial acadien français comme une entreprise. Ce ne sont pas des types d'artistes créatifs, ce sont des types conservateurs de Beaurocrate. Politiquement connecté et c'est tout.

    Un expert des médias sociaux, Claude, pourrait mettre le Congrès Mondial sur la première page de  Google avec les compétences qu'il possède pour utiliser l'intelligence artificielle ... oui A'.I, pour supprimer Internet et lui donner la copie d'actualités qu'il tisse avec sa propre copie de nouvelles pour faire du matériel de lecture pertinent que les robots de classement SEO adorent. Résultant en des classements de 1ère page avec plusieurs listes en retrait que les gens trouvent et lisent du début à la fin ; comme vous le faites maintenant.

    Cependant, l'offre de Claude d'aider au référencement à la dg@ adresscourriell est restée sans réponse puisque nous, au monde du Congrès, savons mieux.

    Comme Bitch Wayne, la voix officielle du doux et tendre bouton de rose du sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Écosse lui-même à la radio CIFA GAGA et sur le nouveau site.

    Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024

    C’est comme être Nastassja Kinski dans le film roman Polanski Tess de les d'Ubervilles.

    À la fin de la journée, Claude aura l'esprit tranquille, le congrès va et vient comme un autre événement pour les personnes âgées dans le domaine démographique du pique-nique estival de l'église catholique romaine qui allait et venait. avec le même vieil ordre du jour, au lieu d'en faire une vitrine réelle et authentique de multi strates de talents et de diversité culturelle .... pour de vrai plutôt que pour faire semblant.

    Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024 Clargyle

     Le Congrès mondial acadien 2024

    All the Director/Directrice and President/Presidente are in place

    The French Acadian reunion is being put together and organized with traditional fiddle music like te Ste Anne reel, Baie en Joie tap dancing, and the traditional rappie pie. With cheap Comeau types a-comin' from miles around lookin for free stuff like food, in the hard times in the Beep suckin Maritimes
    Hosted in Clare and Argyle now known as Claregyle, it is a heritage and patrimonial event to watch in southwestern Nova Scotia .

    The committee has no social media profile manager so it is not and will not rank as the cultural arts event to see or attend.

    Since it is organized by straight white people for straight white people there is, unfortunately, no " Space" for an LGBT voice let alone a Queeer Asperger Visual Artist voice like Claude Edwin Theriault @ MBF-Lifestyle
    and is trending barrier-breaking 3D motion Graphic Design experience NFTs. Marginalized and let out as the ODD man looking in for more than half a century  Claude has developed a very keen eye on the Wetiko blind trance same old agenda-pushing way people are, and he is OK with that. His design won the top Platinum rank in the Hermes Creative Design Awards in Video motion graphics, based on their merit it was not a lottery, however, no need to mention that they just don't get it they really don't get it because they are all high school confidential types who run the "Show" straight 
    inta the ground and that is OK.
    Their politically correct savvy Inclusion agenda-pushing minds have swallowed the gay inclusion pill however Queer is a subversive form of gay they cannot quite cope with, especially when it is from the Faye Cameron /Francis Bacon school of thought.

    Venez vivre votre acadie! DU 10 AU 18 AOÛT 2024 LE SUD-OUEST DE LA NOUVELLE-ÉCOSSE 

    Bienvenue à Clargyle 

    Atlantic Canadian French Acadian culture gives a lot of clout to Musiciens who they see as true artists, visual artists not so much. There is Daniel Leblanc, Dave "Visage de La Mort" Leblanc and that cutie petutie Blu and his corjean.
    In the second class tier there are the usual suspects June Deveau, Denise Comeau, Nadine Belliveau, and even Claude Chaloux however, guitar and fiddle players are the main fair of the cultural Identity.

    Which is OK Claude understands and accepts the concept of clics and clans. And how people are hardwired to hate what they do not understand. Claude makes art and designs French Acadian culture does not have interest in, and French Acadian culture makes art Claude has no interest in. Since it simply pushes an old and tired agenda that simply does not bring in the tourist like it should; and never will. Yet the Provincial and federal phallic members of parliament pump copious amounts of money into t to create the jobs jobs jobs jobs agenda that is old and tired,

    Part of the massive cultural shift in the winter season of the fourth turning cycle of social change and innovation.

    Atlantic is very much a provincial Insular culture from Haligonia centric bureau crates in the capitol, to the academic bureaucrats administratives who run the french Acadian patrimonial heritage like a business,. They are not creative artist types they are conservative beaurocrate types. Politically connected and that's it that's all.

    French Version of Congress Mondial Acadian 2024 transcript

    A social media savvy skilled Claude could put the Congress Mondial on the first page of google with the skill sets he has of using Artificial Intelligence ... yes A'.I, to scrap the internet and give him the news copy he weaves in with his own news copy to make relevant reading material that te Google Search Engine Optimization SEO ranking Bots love. Resulting in 1st-page ranks with multiple indented listings people find and read from beginning to end; like you are doing now.

    However, Claude's offer to help with SEO at dg has met with no reply since we at Congress world know better.

    Like Bitch Wayne the official voice of Southwestern Nova Scotias sweet and tender rosebud himself
    at radio CIFA  GAGA and brand new same old site

    At the end of the day, Claude will have his peace of mind the congress will come and go as another event for seniors in the demographic realm of the summer Roman Catholic church picnic that came and went. with the
     same old agenda, instead of having it be a real and genuine showcase of multi strata of talent and cultural diversity.... for real instead of for pretend.

    Hence the reason for this truth bomb on the Inclusive VIP party du Jour.

    Sunday, March 6, 2022

    French Acadian Culture of Nova Scotia

     French Acadian CultureArt Gallery of Nova Scotia painter

    • Claude Edwin Theriault, the Certified Men's Health and Wellness Therapist, behind Male Beauty Forum, Lifestyle has Moved the art collection from more than 20 years in Toronto; to rural Nova Scotia where it belongs. And is having a wonderful time showing it to an insular but accepting culture of rural Nova Scotia.

    • Visit my EIN World wide Press Release RSS Feed page to see more
    • .In a world where mainstream sources are more and more confusing and not as trustworthy as many people like the MBF Lifestyle page gives people access
    • Claude Edwin Theriault explains that in the close to 30 years of experience he has accrued in the business, he has found and even created a lot of exciting content that is relevant to living a full, rich, and affluent lifestyle.... in challenging times.

    Los misterios del amor son del alma, pero un cuerpo es el libro en que se leen

    Meaning The Mysteries of Love are of the soul, but the body is the book in which they are read.

    As is the visual imagery of the man who sculpts the Canadian Full Spectrum of Men via his Body  Work in Alternative therapies. Where the mysteries of the Ebb and Flow of Cerebral Intimacy, is had where the body is the visual source of the message read… if you can Dig that one.

    • Touching on multiple Lifestyle aspects from bachelor pad wall decor, that has serious punch... to personal development and entrepreneurial achievement, helping people to attain their life goals. Since there has never been a better time in history to do so.

    Have a look at the pre-press release for more trending News 

     Nova Scotia Artist RSS Feed

    Using multiple platforms to share artwork beyond the Insular Halifax realm... Click the slide show below to visit my Fine Arts America page and see eye-opening Home Wall Art decor you do not see in Haligonia...

    Timed well at times Provincial and conservative Nova Scotia Artist culture is due News and Trends shift; in Claude Edwin Theriault move....continues.

    With MBF-Lifestyle studio and extensive art collection setting up home in the Maude Lewis; area of Yarmouth and Digby Co Nova Scotia so as to shed new light on local Nova Scotia French Acadian culture...without changing a thing in the established art scene run by 7 people in Haligonia, 1 in Wolfville,1 in Yarmouth and 1 in Lunenburg.... Because things just are that way; and will remain so in that Gosh Darn Golly skiwgly digly wigly kind of Maritime Neighbourhood kind of way  La Jive at Five.... mode du Jour.

    Nova Scotia Artist Gallery


    NovaScotiaArtistGallery of French Acadian painter Claude Edwin Theriault. Currently showing his extensive retrospective artworks, from 1980 to the present, sing web 2.0 social media platforms to promote the works; since all mainstream private and public-funded galleries have a more heritage agenda not relevant to the more Shamanic and symbolist inspired artworks currently being produced by the artist.

    All the symbolist visual narrative diary that Claude Edwin Theriault has woven from 1980 to the present... is to Visual Arts Nova Scotia VANS what Ashley Dwayne MacIsaac is to the Cape Breton Fiddlers really is.

    Owner of one of the most interesting "Private Owned Art Collection" in all of Nova Scotia....BAR None: if not all of Atlantic Canada. 

    You just do not know it yet...

    The artworks were in Quebec and Ontario until Spring of 2018 when The artist moved them back to Nova Scotia; you cannot become an influential presence without being in the Nova Scotia provincial scene. Since arriving there are showings in Artist-Run Gallery Trécarré located on the campus of Université Sainte-Anne in the rural Acadian community of Baie Sainte-Marie Nova Scotia.

    As opposed to the more Insular Halifax climate which has the standard default ..." We are not accepting new artist submissions at this time". Which is a polite and politically correct but useless and dated way of saying "we are not interested" cause we are Haligonian-centric as much as we were back in the 1980's .

    Since Halifax always was and is still to this day very Haligoniacentric unto itself. It is the capital and therefore very bureaucratic, meaning clics that make up the Halifax Metro area clan... and that's OK. Better them fellas than me.

    Where you have to be "Connected " with the right people who nwever leave town , let alone venture 300 kms to the French Acadian shore and experience a culture different for their precious little  1723 Hollis St, Halifax, NS B3J 1V9 scene they feel is so cool , when it is simply Insular, as is there equally pretentious satellite AGNS 

    Bureaucrats ...there for the paycheck, hip replacement, and the almighty pension. This is great since self-representing artists have never had such a wealth of free marketing tools at their disposal to promote themselves. By placing their relevant content in front of a targeted audience interested in what they have to say on an artistic and intellectual level.

    Like the Artmajeur platform that is currently getting close to 1000 visitors per day and ranking very well in the Wall Art/ Home Decor you can go and see...

    The newly set up ARTPal that is getting more and more traction...especially the Homoerotic section of Male Nudes mainstream Nova Scotia has not been able to get its head around ...yet.

    But is learning to do so since it is big deal at all in 2018.

    More like fresh air than Verboden of the old 1970s.

    Click the link to see my NFT art  


    account with the many boards of Curated Content found there and backlink love starts to flow to an artist page...

    There is also my trending profile on Fine Art America..... beyond plat a mourir ennuyeux

    Or the even more French Acadian Artist Culture that I  set up and it works like a charm. It is all part of the new mindset of DIY. Since publicly funded mainstream will not do a thing for the select Gallery of Nova Scotia painter

    • Claude Edwin Theriault, the Certified Men's Health and Wellness Therapist, behind Male Beauty Forum, Lifestyle has Moved the art collection from more than 20 years in Toronto; to rural Nova Scotia where it belongs. And is having a wonderful time showing it to an insular but accepting culture of rural Nova Scotia.

    • Visit my Fine Art America page to see more

    • More information can be found below 

    • .In a world where mainstream sources are more and more confusing and not as trustworthy as many people like the MBF Lifestyle page gives people access
    • Claude Edwin Theriault explains that in the close to 30 years of experience he has accrued in the business, he has found and even created a lot of exciting content that is relevant to living a full, rich, and affluent lifestyle.... in challenging times.

    Los misterios del amor son del alma, pero un cuerpo es el libro en que se leen

    Meaning The Mysteries of Love are of the soul, but the body is the book in which they are read.

    As is the visual imagery of the man who sculpts the Canadian Full Spectrum of Men via his Body  Work in Alternative therapies. Where the mysteries of the Ebb and Flow of Cerebral Intimacy, is had where the body is the visual source of the message read… if you can Dig that one.

    • Touching on multiple Lifestyle aspects from bachelor pad wall decor, that has serious punch... to personal development and entrepreneurial achievement, helping people to attain their life goals. Since there has never been a better time in history to do so.

    Have a look at the pre-press release info Nova Scotia Artist blog page....

    Using multiple platforms to share artwork beyond the Insular Halifax realm... Click the slide show below to visit my Fine Arts America page and see eye-opening Home Wall Art decor you do not see in Haligonia...

    Timed well well the at times Provincial and conservative Nova Scotia Artist culture is due News and Trends shift; in Claude Edwin Theriault move....continues.

    With MBF-Lifestyle studio and extensive art collection setting up home in the Maude Lewis; area of Yarmouth and Digby Co Nova Scotia so as to shed new light on local Nova Scotia French Acadian culture...without changing a thing in the established art scene run by 7 people in Haligonia, 1 in Wolfville,1 in Yarmouth and 1 in Lunenburg.... Because things just are that way; and will remain so in that Gosh Darn Golly skiwggly diggly wiggly kind of Maritime Neighbourhood kind of way  La Jive at Five.... mode du Jour.

    Nova Scotia Artist Gallery

    NovaScotiaArtistGallery of French Acadian painter Claude Edwin Theriault. Currently showing his extensive retrospective artworks, from 1980 to the present, sing web 2.0 social media platforms to promote the works; since all mainstream private and public-funded galleries have a more heritage agenda not relevant to the more Shamanic and symbolist inspired artworks currently being produced by the artist.

    All the symbolist visual narrative diary that Claude Edwin Theriault has woven from 1980 to the present... is to Visual Arts Nova Scotia VANS what Ashley Dwayne MacIsaac is to the Cape Breton Fiddlers really is.

    Owner of one of the most interesting "Private Owned Art Collection" in all of Nova Scotia....BAR None: if not all of Atlantic Canada. 

    You just do not know it yet...

    The artworks were in Quebec and Ontario until Spring of 2018 when The artist moved them back to Nova Scotia; you cannot become an influential presence without being in the Nova Scotia provincial scene. Since arriving there are showings in Artist-Run Gallery Trécarré located on the campus of Université Sainte-Anne in the rural Acadian community of Baie Sainte-Marie Nova Scotia.

    As opposed to the more Insular Halifax climate which has the standard default ..." We are not accepting new artist submissions at this time". Which is a polite and politically correct but useless and dated way of saying "we are not interested" cause we are Haligonian centric as much as we was back in the 1980's.

    Since Halifax always was and is still to this day very Haligoniacentric unto itself. It is the capital and therefore very bureaucratic, meaning clicks that make up the Halifax Metro area clan.

    Where you have to be "Connected " with the right people who never leave town, let alone venture 300 km to the French Acadian shore and experience a culture different from the precious little  scene they feel is so cool, when it is simply Insular, as is there equally pretentious satellite AGNS 

    Mens Prostate Massage

    Men's Prostate Massage Services

    The prostate massage benefits are many, and yet so few men know about them. However Prostatitis is a big deal and enlargement is a standard issue for me over 50 years of age. The size BPH of the prostate can be reduced, and a serious Saturday night pleasure can be discovered in the privacy of your own home by working this little-known Male G-Spot 3 to 4 inches inside the anal cavity.

    What are the benefits of doing a prostate massage?.

    Prevention of Prostate-Related Illnesses like prostatitis, BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia), and of course; the big one... prostate cancer.

    Therefore, proper and regular prostate milking paves the way for the prevention of these unwanted conditions. Prostate massaging can help in eliminating prostatic fluid build-up, which leads to the prostatitis condition and you do not want to acquire prostatitis, which is also known as painful inflammation of the prostate.

    The common mindset is that prostate massage, also known as prostate milking, is a bit more taboo for most men.  The idea of inserting a finger or an anal toy of some sort into their anus turns them off since it is ...Just So Gay.

    If you find yourself relating to this Mindset," get over it" and don’t count it out unless you’ve actually tried doing so. Since you’d be surprised to discover there are major benefits to massaging the prostate that goes beyond sexual aspects. From Cancer prevention, erectile dysfunction, to reducing or even eliminating the need for that frequent night urination trips; with just a little dribble coming out.

    In brief prostate massage can clear the prostatic duct of stagnant fluids that do not get expelled with ejaculation, it relieves discomfort while ejaculating, Gives that good old spasm while ejaculating like in the old days instead of just the trickle ...which is a great deal of fun and important to the male orgasm,helps with erectile dysfunction, brings improved urine flow.

    For a more detailed Wikipedia read go to the Prostate Massage source 

    Many quickly notice temporary relief from their symptoms for a while. . With more massages, the symptoms may stop returning as quickly. Ultimately, the goal is for the massage to entirely eliminate the symptoms and signs of the problem.

    Before having it done it is important to anal douche... no big deal, google search that, get an anal douche bottle kit on alliexpress, and your good to go. Important so that the anal cavity is really clean, person massaging should be wearing non-latex glove or a condom on the finger, and lots of lube ...goes without saying.

    Start slow, massaging that sphincter or as to get past the earthly door and the anal wink. Once they are about 4 inches in they should feel it; then start in a slow circular motion have them not massage vigorously since it can increase the symptoms.

    Many quickly notice temporary relief from their symptoms for a while. . With more massages, the symptoms may stop returning as quickly. Ultimately, the goal is for the massage to entirely eliminate the symptoms and signs of the problem.

    Google search prostate massage benefits... and see its history. 

    The Jury is out on the electronic massager version however it has its merits and you can DIY it yourself in the privacy of your home.

    Same protocol of preanal douche and having a whizz to empty the bladder...lots of lube and slow easy insertion. Once all set up in the saddle then start the vibrational feature nice and slow.

    Close your eyes, start breathing the Micro Cosmic Orbit way .. with the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth, and breath "Slow and slower still. and enjoy then slow ascension to mangasm from the inside out for a change, since every guy and their kid brother is so ingrained with a yank on the wang like it's a piece of rubber until it spits out the come goop; that they have no clue there is the option to have a heavenly ascension to a multi-wave mangasm of several minutes instead of several seconds.

    This alone is a revelation to those who seek out this sane and healthy experience...Keep at it ...

    Not usually supported by the mainstream medical community, since they go more by medication and of course Insurance companies do not cover the cost.

    Click the image below to discover the Saturday Night Orbital potential of the... ACF Prostate Massager with  Wireless Multiple Vibrating Speed and Patterns to experience your first "Body orgasm instead of the usual Penis Ejaculation Orgasm "

    Yet Amazon can hook you up easy have a look at the clickable image link below and read on.

    These have the great double feature of variable vibration intensity to the prostate itself .

    As well as a great vibrating contact to the perineum .

    Which is both a great internal and external sensational experience... you will not soon forget... Add Micro Cosmic Orbit Breathing and you are good to Go..."Yo Daddi" as they say.

    Click the Tabs below to share this to your various profiles ... you will be amazed as to the amount of interest on this topic.

    Men's Body Hair Colouring Services

    Men's Body Hair Color Services

     Body Hair Colour for Men...  Also place a touch of the mix onto the goatee, beard, and eyebrows. Since it will give continuity to the good grooming ensemble going on below. Sounds wild but it is pennies per application.

    Done once a month and white chest hair is no longer an issue making one feel older than need be.

    It takes years off it really does.... It is not hazardous to your health.


     It can however become just a little bit messy so be careful & do this on a day where you are not rushed and have lots of time.

    Mix up the colour, then apply the mix, central axis outward. The amount of time to leave it on the hair is 12-15 minutes, you will see how the colour cream you mix becomes really dark as its oxidative process develops, don't become alarmed.

    As fun as it is to work with on the head, Men's Body Hair Colour is even more so on the Men's Spa menu.

    Same rule of work with focus; and serves as an excellent complement to Men's Body Hair Grooming. 

    Mix up a bit more colour, use a bigger brush, do this naked on a day when you have time.

    Start applying the central axis of the chest, work down to include the male bulge enhancing Pubic bush, and outward toward where it tappers off, dilute the brush with water at the edges, watch how it turns darker as it oxidizes, leave for 20-25min rinse in the shower.

    However it all washes off in the shower, there is a bit of staining onto the skin, however, a fine skin scrub product mixed with your shower gel will remove it.

    Give it a try and leave some feedback as to how you make out with this cool no one will ever know the grooming trick... 

    Devoted Health and Beauty therapist Claude Edwin Theriault  will continue to  offer practical advice as to which is the best solution for you, using the MBF-Lifestyle platforms to keep you in the loop... with the return to Toronto  2020

    Since the area is a Liberal, progressive forward-thinking and uninhibited Urban area perfect for my Men's Body Hair Grooming services.

    Asking for which is the best Men's Body Hair Removal Place to Go Guy or the Cost of Men's Body Waxing services?

    From 1997-to 2018 I did really good clean professional quality service without the pretentious Spa Attitude, at my 10 Huntley Street Studio.

    Male Beauty Forum is still the place to get this, with my full-service Men's Body Hair Grooming via, a return in 2020

    Since the  Liberal forward-thinking.... the demographics of the men in that area make it a perfect fit for my relocation to the Puerto Vallarta Mexico area.

    My name is Claude Edwin Theriault and was established in Toronto from 1997-to 2018, offering an easy cost-effective means for men to get their body grooming done ....Since Men's body hair removal needs are more extensive than Women's who just need waxing. 

    And with the influx of new Waxing Bars on the scene, they simply do not have true Manscaping, with just waxing on their menu. According to the feedback I am getting from my new clients...

    Men's Spa Facial Services 

    So read on and see how Male Beauty Forum can bring transformational value into your body hair grooming routine.

    Just the Men's Body Hair waxing, clipping and a Men's Body Hair Spa Studio in the east end of Toronto.

    The demographics are there the Hotel Spa owners simply need to see the potential of my not found just anywhere all in one combo services. Since it requires Liberal forward thinking to see the potential...